
THANK YOU! I swear people have not the slightest true memory of the quality if Lost.

And you were wrong. The Island is not Purgatory. Everything that happened on the Island happened for real - the alternate universe of Season 6 was Purgatory - after the people who were on the Island died - either on the Island or decades after having quit it, they went into Purgatory, which was what the flash-sideway

For real. I hate this. People have ridiculously short memories. Season five was the highest rated season since the first and everybody was freaking out about the time travel. The reason that the anticipation for the sixth season was so high was because the fifth ended on such a crazy high note. Now, whether or not

Ok, but they weren't all dead (at first) and the island wasn't Purgatory. They make it pretty clear in the series finale. What happened on the island was real. But the "flash-sideways" world was pretty much Purgatory.

"The Constant" says hello.

Not even close. The writers "lost" their way in season 6. Everything up to that time was fucking excellent.

Season 6 is the only season of L O S T that was subpar at all. There was no season seven, by the way. Seasons 4 and 5 were excellent. Some of the best sci-fi stuff in the entire series was in those two years.

In Sherlock season 2 they had no idea how to make him survive. They had some pieces set up but they clearly found themselves in a situation where nothing would be good enough.

the ending for supernatural season 5 was all fairness, I'm pretty sure that when they wrote it they were almost certain they wouldn't be getting picked up for a season 6, but still...not exactly a smooth/sensical transition between the end of season 5 and the beginning of season 6

I came here to preempt whatever genius was going to inevitably post the extremely low-hanging (and not even remotely accurate) fruit of "the entirety of L O S T." And I'm already too late.

Yes, it's so stupid that I think Margaret Sanger's writing should have been included, because it's "cringeworthy in the light of today's scientific understanding." Somehow that didn't stop the author from including books that were written in 1883, 1862, and 1767, though. If the founder of Planned Parenthood compared

Could? Should! You're the editor; please remind the young progressive newbies of whose shoulders they're standing on. Right or wrong; it matters.

But you didn't include her, which is telling.

Margaret Sanger? Founder of Planned Parenthood? Eugenicist? Who never, ever wrote a racist book in her life? Huh?

Louie hit this one on the head. I've dated a lot of heavier girls and I've definitely felt the judgement from other men. The problem isn't that men don't like big girls; it's that men don't like the way other men look at them when they're with big girls. It's a societal issue that Louis illustrates flawlessly. It's

There really isn't an ingredient that keeps them from spoiling and having a shelf-life of years...

Mcdonalds fries are made from potatoes that are ground, bleached and dyed so that all fries have the same colour. They are seasoned with sugar, salts and other flavourings and contain ingredients that make them crispy and stay golden brown instead of graying as they do without the colouring. McD released documents

The fact that the most often targeted dialects are associated with people of color, young women, and lower class people should make this obvious. Yet I often see self-described progressives (including myself as a younger man) get incredibly uppity about language use, obnoxiously correcting or mocking the grammar of

They should. 3DS is doing A LOT better than WII U