
Correction: Stadium High is in Tacoma which is really, really not Seattle. It's about a 45 minutes away in driving time and a world away culture-wise.

I can't hate Jim Carrey because of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. He was amazing in that.

I'm laughing now at all the people who were defending his comments about race a mere week ago.

I've never been a Johnny Depp fan. Even back then when he was popular and all thr girls (all my friends!) were swooning over him, I just couldn't figure out what the big deal was. Sure, he made some interesting movies but him as an actor? Left me cold. So now I feel super smug when I hear that his fans are over him.

This sounds strange since the partners are different sexes but she seems to clearly have a "type" haha

I still like most of his films (barring, you know, the racist one and probably a few others I'm just not thinking of right now), but I just think he comes off as the biggest douchebag in interviews. He's like that hipster fuckwit at a party who is convinced he's so brilliant and enlightened but everyone is just

It's Charlize. She has a production company, likes ganja, was rumored to be dating Seth McFarlane and Michael Fassbender (co-stars), has a child, is kind of cray cray, etc. Plus, someone brought the IMDB credits and Charlize had the same assistant for Young Adult, Snow White and the Huntsman, and Prometheus and then

To be fair, wouldn't you be annoyed if you had a meeting to attend and you couldn't because the road was closed? At least she tries to keep her commitments. I'm going to need something a lot more salacious than being irritated by road closures.

Dead on accurate comparing this shit show to the Roseanne finale, which re-wrote everything we thought we knew and loved about the show. I hated everything.

It should have been called " how I settled for your mother so I could have the kids I wanted and then went back to the real love of my life once she died" Horrible ending.

Exactly, and that is what is annoying about this. "At Self, we would have been fine making fun of these women who are out taking care of their bodies, fundraising for a good cause, and supporting each other in their physical and mental well being if they were healthy, but since one of them has cancer, we are sorry?"

Why the heck would they assume it was people thinking it made them run faster? I mean really, that's beyond sloppy journalism, it just doesn't make sense. Major d'oh!

I'm a judgmental bitch so part of me wants to scream, "This is some ridiculous faux-hippie fucking nonsense for people with too much that money to charity will make you feel better about yourself, too, dummy." But, of course, it's really important to spend money on some shit that makes you happy, even

I'm waiting and waiting and waiting for something like this in Seattle. I think there was a story somewhere about Sprinkles having these in Dallas too.

Ha, exactly! If I'm looking too close at a picture of Benedict, I think he looks very strange and "ugly" and I'm not attracted. But on the other hand, I've found him quite attractive in some movies. Attractiveness is weird.

That's not really a diverse list. Sure you have fantasy and non-fantasy in there but the over all tones and themes of those books are much in the same. Now if Meyer's had written that her favorite books were Neverwhere, American Psycho, Cat's Cradle, Pride and Prejudice, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Lord of the

Huh? That statement isn't really sexist — it just doesn't make sense the way it is phrased. I think what you were going for is "Short hair makes women who are unattractive look x times more unattractive." The problem is that it just isn't true. Sexy women look sexy regardless of hair style, as long as it isn't too

Long hair is one of those things that make an attractive man 5x more attractive and an unattractive man 5x less attractive. It' a multiplier. Like, let's talk about Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. Partly because he also blesses our eyes with supple golden locks, but mostly because there's never a bad time to talk

The residue left over from the Pledge will seep into the pages of the books at the bottom. Don't use anything on the shelves :( (I learned this working at an antique bookstore. The proprietor always used a simple microfiber cloth. If the shelves were gunky, a quick hot water and castille soap moistened cloth did the