
I feel you, but if it's particular cafes thing, than hell yes I'm brunching with a hippo. That toy was so cute.

ehhhhh, I think you hit the nail on the head. It's just a parent thing.

You learn to stop being squicked out by normal stuff because..well you have to.

pre chewing the food is the least weird thing on that list.

my mom would pre chew things like steak, apples, hot dogs, and things that her grandson could choke on and then put them in little bitts on a plate. (usually like 6 or 8). it was never a soggy gross mess, it was just shredded. (you just nibble with your front

yeah i was getting war flashbacks too.

My mom beat me over the head with a dictionary once. Fun times XDDDDDD

Real talk: I worked at Mcdonalds through my highschool years and everyday on my lunch, the hispanics would have the break room tv tuned into spanish telenovelas. Sometimes they'd explain what was going on, but mostly I just watched bewildered.

They're all like this and they're terrific.

whooooooa that's vintage internet right there.

Feminist blogs tend not to talk about it (weirdly enough)

I'm talking about young people and their fandom blogs. I see them post stuff al the time.

I don't know how old everyone one here is, but i'm a young 20sumthin and I have to say that the internet is amazing at frankly discussing sex.

If your kid is on tumblr, they know all about jerkin' and how to do it right. It's pretty amazing that these young girls, like 12-14ish, are getting tips on self empowerment

What if you just buy her an electric toothbrush and hope for the best?

That ironic moment when I wasn't paying attention when freddie told me too.

[seriously. I completely missed that.]

I learned a new word! yay! now I can sound fancy at dinner parties.

"Oh sure, the president and all that. but truly what this country needs *delicate sip of wine* is a triumvirate."


If they were her babies, why was it wrong for her to kill them? What about abortion? wouldn't that have been fine?

i just imagined a guy sitting on top of one chucking pies at people and everybody is all "GET OFF YA PIE HORSE!"

i have literally never heard of this. is it a small town thing? i live in washington state so..

basic bitch poster child is Lauren Conrad. Do you wish your life was pinterest? than you might be basic.

can i ask you what your real name is? i once knew a hispanic woman who insisted everyone call her "medium" because than we'd pronounce "mariam" like it's supposed to be.

bonus: saying "rise up lights" in american makes you sound like you're saying "razor blades" in australian. also "my cocain" sounds like michael

i never understood this, isn't there self-check where these people live? who actually buys condoms from people?

i agree.
also there are infinite little bags that fit condoms. condoms are like, what, 3x3 inches with virtually no depth? you can't find a pouch to put them in? there's no zipper part in your purse? you can't MAKE a little pouch if you're so ashamed of your no-baby insurance?

i never understood products like these....

race-face is never ok. black face is worse? fine. all other race-faces are ok? NOT FINE.

I was gonna say i liked Eagle Eye too. Well, at least when I saw it in theaters.
Wow, remember when Shia Laboooof had promise?