The Colonel

Again, the only "bad thing" Peta has done is euthanize animals like any animal shelter. You think it's worse because the meat industry's PR team operates anti-Peta websites on that basis. Scroll down.

Every time I hear Peta remind me that factor farmed meat is the leading cause of global warming . . . I grill up a steak for dinner.

What bad things has Peta done? I see no evidence of them having doing anything bad. I see the propaganda put forth by meat-industry PR firms like this website:

No, your brother's anti-Peta because he's adopted the anti-Peta rhetoric pushed on him by the meat industry.

"ignore the bad things that PETA members do, and the shitty behavior that they encourage"

No, because abortion isn't murder.
Killing animals for food IS murder. It's typically also hardcore torture, too.

Wow, you're changing what you were going to have for lunch because of some comments on an internet chatboard? I guess then it makes sense that you'd so readily adopt the noxious ideology being fed to you by the meat industry, you're incredibly weak willed.

Keep it coming buddy. Just think: you can't torture and kill animals while you're typing insults at me!

Either way, they're still thinking about Peta, and about the meat industry. Maybe you'll think of me when you're vomiting veal out of your nose later.

I know what she's referring to, but it's a red herring. To the extent poor people feel compelled to eat antibiotic-ridden factory farmed meat, it's because meat is subsidized to the teeth by the politicians in the meat industry's pocket. It makes the poor people sick, and it's killing our planet.

"If they're free range they're actually better off than in the wild."

So is global warming.

Reading up would do you good.

Good. Go fry up some bacon and rub it on your genitals.

No, more like global warming caused by the meat industry.

Are you almost getting angry? GOOD! Maybe it will cause you to dig a little deeper and realize you're parroting lies designed to keep the meat-eating status quo.

Go eat a big bag of pork skins, George Wallace.

You don't know anything about the specifics of Peta's euthanazia, you're simply parroting the same bullshit that's been fed to you by the meat industry and their PR team. As I showed above, the leading "Peta Kills" website is funded and promoted by a PR group that's funded by the meat industry.

"The link was pretty helpful though, Jesus who wouldn't believe a press release from the shitheads doing this stuff."

"The point is, you don't fucking know, and neither did the people on the news report I saw doing it."