
Harmon’s looking to take the story out of its original format entirely.

Honestly, yes.

Season 6 was great. It was a death spiral, sure, but it was a damned good one.

Wait, fuck, that’s the plot? Come on.

This is my chance so I’ve gotta plug This Fool on Hulu. Michael Imperioli is at prime grumpiness, hotness, and funniness.

Yeah, kind of got the sense this would be good for what it is. The trailer was neat.

I took an edible at the height of the pandemic and binged the first season of the series. It was, of course, the same night that their pandemic episode dropped. Messed me riiiiight up. In a good, cathartic way. Pledged myself to these writers and cast that day.

Sounds like an indulgent, overstuffed mess. Except the mess seems to be purposeful and so does the indulgence. So, yeah. Let’s go. I bet it’s a fun time at the movies.

Well, another season, another “experiment episode” that floors me. This is why I tune into this show every week. It’s capable of surprising me.

Yeah, this game is another reminder that I really need to get myself a Steam Deck.

I’m sick of console wars. I don’t think they serve anyone but big corporations that don’t deserve our allegiances.

  • McElhenney rules at playing straight man to Nicdao, who has become so weird this season. One of the biggest laughs of the night was a single shot of Poppy staring off into the middle distance.

By completing the Path of Legends quest, your motorbike Pokémon will be able to scale cliffs. So be sure to finish gathering all of the herbs from the five Titan Pokémon before attempting this trick.

MAnnnn, the first season was a surprise treat during a dark, dark, dark time. Can’t wait for this new season.

Really interested to see how this franchise lasts in the public consciousness now that it’s seemingly back in force.

They still haven’t revealed why Mario is summoned to a world he’s never been, which is weird, but that’s its own thing.

This looks pretty fun. Bright & shiny & jam-packed with references. What more did anyone want, really?

This show’s such a gem.

I had a bad feeling about this game when I saw that Koraidon walked. Why?! I get that it’s a purposeful choice to have the motorbike Pokémon walk instead of use its big wheels, but it’s a stupid one!

Every season I’m surprised by how much I enjoy Jo. She’s not exactly a new character type, but the actor just nails it.