
Halo is perfect for Legos? How?

And they stripped out the actually good cameras because...?

@Amoliski: Sorry, I hate it backwards. In that case, I'm actually surprised there's no interference at all, but from the night vision videos I've seen, it would appear that Nintendo's are brighter, even if Microsoft has a ton of them.

The IR is in the Wii Remote, and the sensor is facing the same way as the Kinect should be, unless for some reason you have two TVs set up, each with a different console, and decide you want to play them with your massive space in between at the same time, presumably with multiple people. I doubt any reflections would

@Sublethalend: I thought so too. I wouldn't really have a problem with it if there were some slopes added in. Lego shapes, if you will. It would help make the world a little more natural. Having to jump just about everywhere seems a bit silly to me. You can't really have "hills".

@SeckzPanther: I prefer Halo overall, but I must say I enjoyed this game for a short time. It's very flashy, and kills come quickly and easily, which is fun for a short time. But that fun ran out quickly, and the maps aren't exactly the pinnacle of good map making; one map has a dead zone in the center that you're

@Burke: A day involving Back to the Future is anything but, good sir!

So, by wasting his time defending against an attack, he'll give you more updates?

@SeckzPanther: My run through an online translator I found on Google spit out "IAALIVE", so presumably Subject 16 is saying he is alive.

@kitsuneconundrum: We're not sugar coating history lessons. We're just saying that if you tell kids the civil war was about slavery, it will portray the south as bad, but they need to understand that it was considered okay back then, and that it was mostly about States Rights is all.

I don't think it's taken control of the word "game" as much as degraded it.

@Nozomu Itoshiki: Unfortunately, most One Piece games(good or bad) don't make it across the Pacific, and the fact that Funimation is literally backed up trying to catch up doesn't help much.

@Wabbited: There's plenty of other ways Google can track you if they really want to.

@DJ Schway: I get the two confused all the time. Probably the fact that, despite owning and having tried both of them, I only made it through the first one with the help of a guide to translate the menus. Ultimate is more difficult, and I can't quite figure out the button layout for menus.

@Wabbited: I don't know about Yahoo, but Google has some interesting APIs. I think it's just easier to call their API to do something than to make it yourself.

Holy crap One Piece game on the DS? I must have this. If I can figure out Jump Super Stars, I can figure out this game.

@Wabbited: Of all the sites to be upset about, you complain about a lack of privacy on Twitter? The Library of Congress is already archiving all tweets now anyways. I don't see how making Twitter function better and be potentially better indexed is a problem.

@warpwhistle: I always thought it was odd how so many people devour multiplayer and ignore the campaign. I hate it when games make their multiplayer sections, and then try to fit that into a campaign. Worst of all are the ones that literally have multiplayer matches against the AI with cutscenes that supposedly