
@CommodoreRake: There is no escape. I've said "I'm never even considering another Sonic game again." for the past three or so major releases and I fall prey at the last minute every time.

@Raven19: The style doesn't bother me as much as the low quality of it. I mean, it could be better. I think they got forced into making a game that looks like all the 3D stuff that LucasFilm has been putting out recently. That style is pretty horrible. But a cartoon-like styling as a concept isn't so bad. Sure, the

Totally called it.

Edison was an idiot. Tesla knew where we were going.

I've been waiting for this since MGS4 came out.

@edhe: It's certainly not impossible, and would please everyone. What they really want to do is offer good hardware and a polished launcher that integrates with other Sony products. Allowing other Android games to run on it natively is certainly a good idea, even if some games must be distributed in some other

@edhe: I'd disagree. Sony could easily find a compelling reason to convince people to buy their Android phone while also finding a way to tap into the market of everyone else with an Android phone.

Why don't they just release a phone with a GOOD custom Android interface to mimic the cross media bar, and then release regular Android games that just work best on the PSPhone?

@Scottaholic: I'd have settled for a good old style point and click game. Machinarium does so much more for me because it's reminiscent of the good point and click adventures I grew up on. Back to the Future is my favorite film series, and I'd love to see a game do it justice. At this point, I'd almost consider

@NoelVeiga: It runs rather clunkily for me. There's several periods where the game will freeze for several seconds to load another segment. Yes, nicer graphics would be wonderful. But the walking controls are sluggish and difficult, and the world feels a bit too small and restricted. It just feels like they could

@NoelVeiga: My only complaint is that Telltale's engine is horrid. I love point and click games, and really enjoyed Machinarium. I wish they'd do something closer to that, or get a better 3D engine.

@AndrewRyan: Because that's resources catering to people who buy a game console and play Wii Fit, then act surprised when most of the software for it are crappy Ubisoft titles that were churned out quickly.

@SixTwoSixFour: That's not artificial difficulty. It's another rule putting a limitation on the player. It saved them the time of deleting the save file if they want to play this way. You don't have to select this mode. I'd probably be more terrified of the European Extreme mode from the Metal Gear Solid games, which

@Paul_Is_Drunk: Funny, I've hated the engine ever since I first laid eyes on it running Oblivion. It looked a little bit better then, but it's clearly an old engine that frankly isn't fun to play with. You can argue Metacritic scores all you want, but I can't stand Bethesda's games, and the engine is a large part of

@luce1sw: Ezio is cool...but he's overstayed his welcome as it is. The entire point of the series that we've been expecting from the first game onward is for a new Assassin and a new time period.

@jNevermore: There's already a game called "Vuvu Hero". Google it, or try Newgrounds.

When Blockbuster was popular I used to rent some games. I developed a hatred of having anyone else touch something I would use. Every time I lend people a game, the case comes back squishier and the disc will have at least one fingerprint or scratch, and something will probably be sticker than when I handed it over.

I'd go, since it's so close to where I live. But then I can't log in right at midnight...

@N-Robes: This argument is precisely why some things just shouldn't be sequels. BioShock and System Shock 2 have more in common with each other than Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Adventure 2. You can add all the characters, voice actors, icons, whatever you want, but it doesn't change the fact that the underlying

@TehJHawk: I don't much like the thought of a mini-Gamestop in my Barnes & Noble, thank you very much. However, if Borders would like to add a section to their already cluttered store, they're perfectly welcome to. I'm sure it will fit right in, considering their stores already look like a post-apocalyptic Blockbuster.