The Coconut Bandit

This is excellent news for anyone with 15 years to kill.

I'd say he's the new Roy.

They're definitely not doing another season. This was conceived as a one and done sort of series.

When are they going to reveal that Aaron Pierce is now working in London for some reason?

In my younger days, I cared about someone's artistic integrity. These days, will I pay to see an Adam Sandler film? Hell no. But after years of working in dead end shitty jobs, it's hard for me to be outraged about a guy making a shitload of money for his family by taking paid vacations with his buddies. I mean, it's

Yeah. Heller has always been kind of a dick.

Can he take out the equally useless Aiden next?

Before I even watched the episode, a headline that read something along the lines of "The Big Bang Theory: Did that Really Just Happen?" appeared on my twitter.

Strangely, my Simpsons Joke detector failed to go off. Gonna have to get it looked at.

If that worked, I'd call them up right now and inform them they'll be paying me to review them from now on. And we'd have solved our nation's great unemployment problem.

Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag. It sounds good.

Was that "Worth Playing For" word puzzle the easiest puzzle of all time? I mean, maybe not literally, but it only took me like a glance to solve it myself (and Jeff noting that it was a relevant 3 word phrase pretty much took away any doubts I had) and I'm not particularly bright!

Jack Gleeson deserves all of that praise even if he isn't the nicest person on the planet because he's bound to be judged by Joffrey standards- and there is absolutely no way he's that bad.

The AV Club's research department, on the other hand….

Plus it just sounds a lot like Harry Shearer.

"You can't like anyone in this show, with the possible exceptions of Tyrion, Jon Snow, Davos and Dany."

No, but to be fair I don't want to drink apple anything.

I haven't seen them, but since the majority of Modern Family episodes I've seen can be described as week, I'm still going to say yes.

I could accept this argument if this show ever pretended it was supposed to be realistic at all. But it never has, so I have to wonder why this matters to you at all.

I have a lot of sympathy for Sansa's plight. She's far from the worst character in either the books or the series.