a white nationalist podcast called Unapologetic
a white nationalist podcast called Unapologetic
Don’t forget the GOP/NRA want her to have a gun in the classroom.
Nice! 🏆
Today’s Code 45* departs a bit from the usual format, since El Naranja Gordo has apparently only offered us one regular word and a two-word phrase from which to divine the message: ‘WITCH HUNT’ and ‘WAY.’ The C45* machine believes it to be an anagram today, so let’s have a look. Anyone with any facility for anagrams…
Maybe it has stuff about cars in it.
But how will this change the timelines and lore from the Great Ape War?!?!
Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.
It also works with snow so not likely.
“My work here is done.”
I don’t think the Soul Stone is in Wakanda. I think it will be missing until the third act of Avengers 4, after Thanos has collected all of the other Infinity Stones, and the Avengers are scrambling to find the last one before he can. At some point, Tony Stark will freak out, screaming, “If it’s not in Wakanda, where…
“Child of mine! You lectured and ridiculed a US senator? Good for you! Let me take you out for ice cream. Wait, do you smoke weed? Let me take you out for weed, and then probably ice cream.”
Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.
Beautifully executed nipple Salchow.
Of course scandals like this are nothing new in curling. Last year at the Tournament of Hearts the Skip of the Manitoba team was busted for having a blood-alcohol level under .12. The sport still hasn’t recovered.
Anderson Council, GED
America has five percent of the world’s mass shootings, and yet 31 percent of the world’s mass shootings.
Britt McHenry made me side with a tow trucking company. I hate her for that.
I bet Don Jr. wishes he was as strong as his brother Eric. Dude can’t even pet a fluffy rabbit without breaking its neck.