The Clipperton Brigade

Kudos to the woman who came forward, but I can’t help but say something doesn’t smell right. I mean, the articles I’ve read had said he was physically abusive but don’t give any details. The details I’ve seen talk about verbally harassing her, threatening to withhold money, taking a wreath off a door and throwing it

So what the fuck is the individual citizen to do? I’ve lived beneath the poverty line most of my goddamn life and I’ve barely enough resources to support my family. I live in AK (a Red state) so I know that my phone call to Murkowski was just a waste and the only thing I’m doing when I argue with my Red neighbors is

The GOP sold its soul 35 years ago with Reagan. The rest is just shit circling down the drain into a herpes infected cesspool.

I pretty much lost interest in pro football this year. I no longer set my Sundays (or Monday nights or Thursday nights) by it. It’s too much - oversaturation of games, the laughable system of fines/punishments which seem to be made up on the fly, and the hypocrisy of the owners/commissioner talking about player safety

The ultimate goal is to beat the shit out of them. They’re responsible for their own fucking conversion.

I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.

In all honesty, I don’t know how anyone with a conscience can keep watching after seeing that.

I wonder if it’s going to dawn on him that he’s never going to “enjoy” anything about his life again (assuming he ever enjoyed anything). If he keeps occupying the office of President, he’s going to keep fucking up (only on a progressively larger scale) and getting rightfully shit on by (at least) 60% of the country

Please shut up. Matt Barnes has no claim on his estranged wife’s love life. She is not his property, and if she and Fisher want to be together, so be it. That is her decision and Fisher’s decision, and Matt Barnes has no right to attempt to violently deal with it. I understand his being upset - it is not an easy thing

Burneko, this is right and good and correct and excellent and for a (one can only assume very) temporary period you are not the absolute worst.

Cool, I really hope this spurs a conversation on talk radio amongst old white guys on whether or not young African Americans should “be allowed” to use the N word. This is the most pressing concern regarding race relations in this country and it needs to be discussed.

The fact that the dumb white guy's last name was "Ferguson" pretty much proves that the universe has an inherent drive towards irony.

This is in sharp contrast to Rick Pitino, who gave one too many fucks.

When FSU got down early, my brother, who was rooting for FSU, said Jameis Winston had the Ducks right where he wanted them.

This fucking sucks. This means that for the next, like, year at least, every article or expose or even individual account from a rape victim will be met with: "But that other girl lied about part of her story, so YOU ARE ALSO OBVIOUSLY LYING! FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE SO MUCH WORSE THAN RAPE, BLAH BLAH RECENCY BIAS

But these are the most egregious examples. Every day there's little bits of this same system exposed. Black people getting longer sentences than whites for the same crime and with the same criminal background (or no backgrouns). Higher arrest rates for blacks even though the same number of whites engaged in the

Albert, I am a long-time student of American History. Like, it is something that just came out of me when I was born. Didn't make me popular or very many friends. I loved reading more than people, perspective more than... whatever was going on around me.

It's crazy to me that anyone living in the United States of America could be offended at what they did

Too bad he didn't use the "don't shoot" gesture while filming Death to Smoochy.

My brother peed next to Leroy Hoard at the Metrodome, back in '98 when the Vikings offense was unstoppable and he was getting all kinds of goal line touchdowns. He will never stop telling the story.