The Clipperton Brigade

Thank you for writing this, Albert.

"I don't think any of the Butler kids were recruited by, you know, by me."

– Jimmy Butler's Mother

This comment is very good and not bad. Impressive rhetorical flourishes. I suspect you took classes from George Saunders in the MFA program.

Uh, in high school I took a piss next to Tubby Smith. He kinda thrusted toward the urinal and kept his hands at his sides the duration of his urination. I did not see his penis. I am not sure if I regret this.

Macalester grad here with no job/life prospects. Pleased to learn someone who enjoys Ultimate not only could traverse Minnesota roads but also land a cool job.

"The objectives of this review were to summarize the evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effects of animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Studies were eligible if they were RCTs. Studies included one treatment group in which AAT was applied. We searched the following databases from 1990 up to October 31,

"If life and/or your father knocks you down, God will hoist you back up. So that life/your father can knock you down again." – Philistines 28: 2014

People are taking shots at you, which they absolutely should in my opinion, but you bothered to type an almost coherent series of sentences, so I'll give you one "PC LIBTARD'Z" take on it.

Yes, White America/White Supremacy has degraded Native Americans in about every possible way. Yes, the history of psychological,

Nice article. Though there's little debate that A.C. Green is the worst player in the world.

[cums while screaming at penis to consider messaging implications]

– Darren Rovell

What's most interesting is that Hopkins usually plays an uptempo, slashing style, so this was an anomaly. Not that anyone gives a shit. Nor should they.

I guess I'll engage you because my life is meaningless (and obviously yours is too) and just provide a little more context to tonight. I'm not saying what Hopkins did is "right" or stands up to some arbitrary, morally relativistic view of what basketball should be because I think what they did is bullshit. But I've

The Superbowl Kerfuffle

Putin's idea of a Nightmare Bear is a naked Richard Hatch.

(Pictured Lower Right):

Huh. My idea of Armaggedon is watching NBC Sports Network.

For Sale: Steroid-era pitcher, never used.