
PC Builders can’t be wrong, the lights make it go faster.

Is your supposition that players in states where it is still illegal would have a difficult time getting marijuana, or would refrain because of its status? Because I find that unlikely.

Dont lump Cutler in this. Even though he was inconsistent, his worst was far better than what Cousins has done in a Viking uniform. If Cutler was nicer, he would be remembered more fondly. Cutler also played with many teams that had little to zero talent on either side of the ball. Both the Vikings defense and offense

Probably the most agreed upon thing in football is that there are too many penalties. You can find people who will argue (badly) for “three yards and a cloud of dust” or that the players knew what they were getting into, so who cares about their health, or that the league should be America’s conscience. But nobody,

Offensive Holding in general should only be, at most, a 5 yard penalty. Defensive holding is only 5 yards, so why is offensive 10? It COMPLETELY kills a drive on something that is usually so ticky tacky anyway that it could be called or not be called based on whatever the ref feels like. 5 yards would be much more

Maybe they should just have everyone not involved with actively catching (including defense) or throwing the ball something like Kitten Mittens. That way they can’t hold anything, and there won’t be any holding calls.

It would also dilute his message. He knew about Paltrow and the message was “if you go after her again, I’ll kill you”. Expanding that to other women (unknown to Pitt and Paltrow, as in they didn’t even know there WERE others) just gives Weinstein an opening to muddy things.

Wow. What a charmer. It wasn’t a swipe, just poking fun at an even larger portion of the population. And his real readers don’t mind. In order for something to be humour, it helps if it’s even vaguely funny in the first place.

“A female person.”

Gladwell has made an absolute killing by writing “Maybe just trust your gut” to boomers who just wanted confirmation bias that everything they think is right anyway.

Also, you don’t need a PhD to understand child rape/molestation. Paterno was a force and an institution at Penn State. He didn’t do that by being a kindly

I disagree. Most of those “failed” because defenses came up with their own innovations/changes to combat them. You can’t come up with some new and then say, “OK no one is going to be able to combat this, let’s rest on our laurels!” And some of them are still working (hello Lamar Jackson) but have issues that aren’t

The anti-analytics streak in football (and previously in baseball, although that’s mostly been beaten to death in the majors) really is weird. I get coaches being conservative because it’s easier to notice someone screwing up than just going along with the groupthink, but you would think that owners, who probably all

That o-line is going to get Watson killed. He took an absolute beating last night.

Damn. He is so good, and so fun to watch, and we’re going to get 3 weeks out of him before his O-line gets him shut down for the balance of the season. Oh well. Definitely the most enjoyable few minutes of football I’ve seen in a long time.

It’s times like this I dearly miss Jon Bois’ Breaking Madden column.

Ultimate team is trash and the people who prop it up deserve this and worse.

when a change fails to make a difference they just move to the next restriction

What? What fuckin’ planet are you on?

It’s extremely frustrating how if anyone takes any stance on firearms other than completely unfettered access to every firearm ever conceived, you are “ANTI-GUN.”

As others have suggested, yeah the Raiders come off as hilariously incompetent pedants here. It was never worth risking what Brown could do on the field just to prove some This Is Football points by fining him after it seemed they were on the way towards a potentially happy reunion. But... reserve the language of