
Never underestimate nostalgia (or by proxy, tradition).

I’ve watched the Lions for 30 years, probably. What resonates to me the most from your piece, Nate, is my memory of Mike Utley. And then after that, Reggie Brown and the halo he wore to his press conference. These, combined with Megatron and Barry walking away early with their bodies not completely wrecked, though

I hate to say that I also think that it stems from the fact that very few fans out there ever really played football at a higher level than flag. If you’re out there and going full-stop you completely get what these players are saying. I haven’t played in years, but as a man in his early 30s I’m still feeling the pain

It’s made worse by the fact that the alternative jerseys from other years ranged from interesting to actually decent. They’ve taken that and tried to standardize uniforms—y’know, the things which exist to differentiate teams!

Bettman is still probably the worst commissioner, but at least he still seems to actually like hockey. MLB and Manfred seem like they actively hate baseball and are trying their hardest to make it shitty in new and exciting ways. 

they also agreed pitchers on the white uniformed teams had to wear black hats so as to not have the possibility of hiding the ball in their motion. just a rousing success all around.

IMO the monster hydro(think Gatorade energy drinks) are the best tasting energy drinks. I also like the flavored Red Bull as well.

If Trump wasn’t a traitorous white supremacist grounding our country into the pavement, there’d be an almost endearing Baron Munchausen quality to the man. One day a visitor at one of his hotels or casinos, who happens to own a used car dealership in a small town in Michigan, pays Trump some benign compliment, and

Not that any of this matters but didn’t the original Dream Team lose to a team comprised of college players originally?  I mean, I still imagine it’s because Jordan had money on the NCAA team, but who knows?!

But modders don’t have to be concerned with compatibility. At least not any more than they want to care. Plenty of mods don’t play well together on the same platform. And modders abandon them constantly. MS is in a situation where changes to Bedrock affects many platforms. And then have to work with those changes

Minecraft is a deceptively demanding game and major graphical overhauls are difficult to do without making a system melting nightmare.

Seems to me like the problem isn’t that they couldn’t do it and make it work, but that they were trying to make it work across everything, including smart phones. And have it all work/ look the same. Which, while valiant, seems to be kind of stupid. Nobody expects the smartphone and/ or console versions to look the

Surely there’s a spot on the practice squad for this guy, right? He slept on the damn grass! At least let him play the opposing teams fastest WR on the scout team!

I like him because I don’t take myself too seriously. And hearing plenty of interviews with him he knows what he’s doing. It’s goofy and certainly not for everybody but I prefer that to some psycho like Jack Edwards or Tommy Heinsohn who scream bloody murder every time a call goes against the home team

I give the guy a little credit for caring enough about a benching at this point to fight his manager over it. 

I learned about the Gathering of the Juggalos from an SNL skit. I knew ICP existed, but saw that skit and was wondering what the hell is this thing.  Then I saw a replay of the original commercial for the Gathering, it showed me how well they nailed it.

if you’re of a certain age you basically experienced most pop culture through a simpsons reference first. i’ll never forget when i first saw citizen kane and was just like ‘oh’

While I’m not a huge fan of watching people get hit in the nuts myself, I’m also not a fan of when people state that they’ve never seen any part of a show, but then assert that anyone who liked it is a bad person. The people who liked watching the show didn’t like watching people get hurt, they liked watching people

Here is how you make this succeed:

Which was a bigger waste of cash: the XFL or Linda’s Senate campaign?