Should've asked Booger to break out the Wonder Joints.
Should've asked Booger to break out the Wonder Joints.
Seriously, I think more highly of Berman because of this. This is more engrossing than a thousand cliche-ridden NFL highlights.
Hugh Jazz hopes his press pass doesn't get revoked.
What's up with the reverse Carl Mouth?
Maybe some cotton uniforms would help? So roomy, so comfortable!
Cleveland - making New Jerseyans feel good about themselves since 1796!
@Matt_T: I thought only stupid white kids did the whole ghost riding/drifting thing.
It is now clear to me that the missing ingredient in the Yankees' recent postseason slump is a bitchin' sports training montage.
Does Youk's computer have a little paper clip that pops up and says "You appear to be writing a sports blog, would you like a list of lame cliches?"
@CharlesBronsonPinchot: It could be worse. Picture this - "Tyler Perry's House of Caliendo."
Meeting adjourned until someone gets Big George a calzone from Paisano's.
The logo on Sean's site looks suspiciously like the one for Morton Downey Jr.'s old TV show, which tells me all I need to know.
That's no moon, that's Sean Salisbury's head.
Watching Bettman's increasingly asinine promotional schemes calls to mind the image of a little kid dressing in daddy's clothes.
Pretty sad state of affairs when a list of the hottest World Cup women is already scraping by #5.
Any article involving Alyssa Milano needs to begin and end with screenshots from Embrace of the Vampire.
Wow, where to begin? How 'bout that classy cinderblock fire pit? The ceremonial can of Bud Light? Wearing a "World's Greatest Dad" t-shirt while burning a child's prized possession?
Zap Rowsdower > Zap Bro
@Weed Against Speed: Holy crap, that was glorious.
I don't buy it - let's see a picture of this crapper-busting fatty with the club.