
In Kentucky people normally take advantage of sleepy Cousins.

guess who’s on Shaqtin this week?

Fucking sucks

Is he gonna tweet about this?

Might I suggest applying critical thinking to the words you looked at?

I don’t think she’s literally wondering what Nancy Kerrigan is up to; I think she’s making the point that Tonya Harding is getting an awful lot of sympathetic media treatment these days, while the skater who was an innocent victim of that whole thing is not. That’s just my take, but it seems like pretty obvious

Yeah, I don’t understand. These are middle school kids, so you can suspend them, correct them for their stupid ass/racist behavior. Kids do stupid shit sometimes, unfortunately. But there is absolutely no fucking excuse for the adults to let this happen. That is where the bigger problem is.

“Is a warehouse job moving one box to another really worth more than $12-13 hr?”

I just want to join the guy who has apparently made up six accounts just to rant at Rafi Schwartz.

I’ll definitely take that under advisement, Mike. Thanks!

He said “I hate to say it” - that makes him not racist. If he was racist, he would enjoy saying it. CASE CLOSED.

Yeah but guys should look at his replies in that thread...especially this one.

Of course, no one should ever make commentary about matters of race, lest whites be induced to eye rolling or pointing out that anyone bringing up race is the REAL racist.

I realized a few weeks back that C-3PO was Luke’s brother.

$5 bucks this whole thing started with the phrase “This is sure to trigger the Libs...”

No. It’s code for “When dad left and had a second family we didn’t completely reject them. Even though they’re black! Where’s our medal??”

an AV Club commenter making excuses or a white woman? I’m shocked I tell you. Shocked.

It took me about two days but I came to the same conclusion. This film is genius, and as subversive as you can get for a big budget shareholder-stroking mega-film. It’s truly brilliant.

Christ... I like porn just like every other well-adjusted, libidinous male, but those eyes, man. I don’t know if she’s terrified of the giant penis penetrating her or if she just having a moment of clarity and is seriously questioning her life choices.

Three hours into sex, Wolf Blitzer screams, “WE’VE ONLY JUST STARTED!”