
When Ryan saw the breadth of his fuckery, he wept for there were no more worlds to fuck over.

Although its not quite as iconic as the battle between Luke and Vader in Empire Strikes Back, this is easily the greatest lightsaber battle ever choreographed.

I absolutely see the logic in your reasoning and think you’re spot on about what’s going on in her head. But shit, when do we start demanding that people who lack imagination live outside of their own experiences? You’ve done about a thousand times more mental work than Pam has just in this comment, but she’s given a

Still, only the water of love can quench the fire of hatred. Only the light of truth can enlighten the darkness of ignorance.

Why is it the photo pose and the sudden touching of the interviewer make me think he’s trying to act what he thinks Gay people are like in the interview?

Why not both?

wonderful advice, right up there with “just relax” and “calm down”

Don’t believe everything you think. I repeat: don’t believe everything you think. Remind yourself of this often.

I think it must be that she’s a lesbian and that she presents as (arguably) more masculine? So it’s like, people extrapolate her into being a “dude” more easily, so it seems super objectifying? I’m not trying to be rude about how Ellen presents or anything, I’m just examining my own visceral reaction which was WTF??

And every time she thought she was finished, another Columbo would appear and say, “Just one more thing....”

The link in that quote does a pretty good job of addressing that point. Essentially, it says Yes, put an asterisk there, but go ahead and read it and enjoy it, too. When a person’s darker tendencies slip into their work in understated ways, it’s a good thing to be aware of that, lest you absorb little bits of those

The Africans sold slaves one is so telling that a person doesn’t understand why the African slave trade was so bad. Yeah they sold prisoners as slaves. They didn’t form an entire government and society based on the racial inferiority of blacks. That’s the thing, before the atlantic slave trade you justified slavery on

Especially when you become a one-issue voter because of your autistic grandson...meaning one of the people you are calling out is more concerned about taxes and money than their nephew's well-being.