Your profile pic goes so perfectly with your whiny, condescending response that I thought it was sarcasm.
Your profile pic goes so perfectly with your whiny, condescending response that I thought it was sarcasm.
As a son of Muslim immigrants and as a person who’s supported Bernie for the last 15 years I think I might hate those fuckers just as much as I hate the Trump supporters. I was super excited when I first saw people coming around to Bernie Sanders’ ideas but I saw pretty quickly that a big chunk of the people joining…
Directly from the article without any paraphrasing:
I love that you say “not in the past” like the show has been around long enough for there to be a difference. This show has been on for all of 6 weeks, you can keep trying to turn the conversation away from the part you’re uncomfortable with but the reality is that that logo was being used with awful implications and…
I didn’t ask if they think about it in general I asked if it’s what they were thinking about when they chose to wear that logo, there’s a significant difference and you know it.
Do you honestly think PTSD and military-industrial corruption is what soldiers are thinking about when they put that logo on their shit while marching into other people’s countries? He wasn’t criticizing the show he was criticizing people who glorify the “bad-ass murderer” aspect of the character and saying that that…
Holy shit you’re right. And given the whole saving Amidala’s life thing I’m gonna go ahead and make R2-D2 his godfather.
The original trilogy starts with Luke just happening to buy his long-lost sister’s droid, the prequel trilogy told us that one of those droids happened to have been built by his dad while the other saved his mom’s life and that a high ranking Jedi master landed on a random planet and just happened to run into “the…
You say it like it’s a fan theory based on that one line, Qui Gon literally says in Phantom Menace that he thinks Anakin was conceived by the force and in Revenge of the Sith it’s at least implied that Palpatine may have used the force to create him. It’s fair to call it ridiculous but for the record the immaculate…
His kids look like the worst version of a capitalist stereotype, the sons look like Patrick Bateman and Tyrell Wellick (from Mr.Robot) got hit with the ugly stick.
I sincerely believe that unlike the rest of the people whoring themselves on that channel Hannity actually believes the shit he spews. Fox is actually doing us a favor by keeping him in front of a camera and off the streets, every day he’s working there is a day he’s not out here assaulting hippies and bombing…
They want to build a monument purely because they think they’re making a clever point against the opposition (“will you tear it down if it’s for Black people? Checkmate, liberals”). Our tax dollars at work.
Honestly these dumbasses look a little too old to say things like “trigger” and “Libs” but I’m sure it was some variation of that.
There are no words to describe the level of hate I have for NBC, the network that covered for Bill Cosby, resurrected Donald Trump for a new generation, pushed out a Black woman to make room for Megyn fucking Kelly and pretended they had no idea what Matt Lauer was up to.
I honestly can’t tell if this is a joke.
Yeah but she appears to have a good relationship with her mother which means at the bare minimum that even if she does secretly have a shit relationship with her mom she didn’t want the world to know that, fucked up of her future husband to be saying shit like this to the media.
I’m surprised no one’s talking about this, I hate most of my family but I’d be PISSED if my fiance said some shit like that to the media or even in private.
Goddamn I spent forever trying to figure out WHY someone would be this insistent that it’s rape no matter what the woman thinks and it turns out you’re just focused on shitting on Clinton. I hate the Clintons and think that Bill is more likely than not a rapist but that doesn’t make your bullshit point right.…
Wow you’re really focused on trying to misconstrue peoples words aren’t you? A 14-year-old can absolutely be attracted to an adult but they still can’t give consent, if you’re saying that a subordinate’s should be seen as the same as that of a child then fine, enjoy your weird ass opinion.
So you’re saying that it’s literally impossible for an intern to genuinely want to have sex with the president? Or are you saying that even if the intern genuinely wants to sleep with the president that their consent doesn’t count?