
They’re not wrong, it’s absolutely possible for that to be consensual it’s just way less likely, and any consent will be ambiguous at best given the possible professional consequences of saying no.

I love the music on these games so fucking much.

“She has maintained she never intended to kill Viafor”

Yep that’s why the younger one got uncomfortable at that point, he’s the one trying to fuck over his own nephew.

I had a nurse really casually tell me how immigrants should give their kids “normal” names instead of weird ones like mine, she was taking my blood so I decided it wasn’t the time to have it out with a stranger but it’s crazy to me that she could say that to anyone, let alone a patient.

Meh, for me Force Awakens is an ok movie with an ok ending while Phantom Menace is an awful movie with a great ending, I gotta go with the former because cringing through the dialogue of the prequels is worse than anything in the new movies. I can go back and rewatch Force Awakens but for Phantom Menace I have to

As someone who doesn’t drink coffee in general this freakish monstrosity finally drove home that Starbucks is just a nice-smelling fast food place with music. Most of you probably already knew that but it’s a revelation to me, this shit is no different than the bizarre food Taco Bell comes out with.

Had to retire in disgrace and still thinks he can get his inexperienced 27-year-old son into congress, that’s some impressive rich White man confidence John...

Which is bullshit anyway because during slavery times there were White abolitionists, just like during Dustin Hoffman’s “different time” there were men who were openly against this sort of shit. This whole thing seems to be designed to say that we can only hold people to the standard of the shittier people from their

I’m sure these women are shocked about the backlash since they’ve all known Black people who told them it was fine, the fact that all those Black people were dudes they were fucking is probably just a coincidence...

This is the same network that revived Donald Trump and covered up for Bill Cosby, at this point I’m pretty sure this is just their thing...

Easily one of my 5 favorite movies of all time but if I watched it once a week I’m pretty sure I’d lose my mind and end up reenacting the final scene on someone.

Remove the italics, the details about his victims and the “potentially world-changing show” part and this could have been a serious article that a bunch of idiots would have seen as reasonable, the line between parody and genuine terribleness is gone...

Your thing only makes sense if you think people are mourning the fact that Trump is president and not the fact that millions upon millions of Americans wanted it to happen. If 60 million Americans were in support of 9/11 and helped make it happen I’m pretty sure people probably would’ve “moped” a lot more than we did

“The students had behavior issues not relating to the Pledge of Allegiance”

Don’t think he’s a dummy, think he’s saying they earned a 63 and he bumped them below 60 to fail them.

You do get that he bumped them down right? As shitty as it is a 63 is still passing, he counted the 63 as 59 (or less) to fail them. You’re right though that being respectful goes a long way, for example if this guy had respected his students rights instead of punishing them and bragging about it then his job security

Actually I think you’re onto something, also how the hell does this dude keep getting work?

The voice actor specifically said he did the voice as a way to make fun of an Indian shopkeeper he hated but sure, how could an Indian person have a problem with that?

Think you misunderstood his point, it’s not “what if the story interested him because of his fetish?” it’s “what if he picked the show to have coworkers (and fans) who fit his fetish?” There’s nothing wrong with having a fetish but unless you’re a pornstar there’s something hugely wrong with intentionally looking for