
This could be great, and there’s a lot of talent involved, but I emphatically wish this could remain a miniseries. The ending of S1 was truly perfect, and exploring the aftermath is just unnecessary when it ended on such a bittersweet, but empowering, peaceful note.

Truly one of the dumber takeaways from the Weinstein revelations, but leave it to men to find a way to blame women for male predation.

Meryl’s great (obviously), but Andrea Arnold directing is still the part of this I’m most looking forward to, though I wish she was doing her own show/movie.

Ah, lotta fond memories of that TV cart. Whenever that rolled out in class, we knew we wouldn’t be doing SHIT for the next 50 minutes.

I mean, if it’s doing this, or posting weird antivaxxer shit/defending Woody Allen/posting chemtrail conspiracy theories for most white male celebrities over 40 on Twitter, I’ll take this

I’m glad he’s in True Detective after being so fucking good in Halt and Catch Fire.

I’m ride-or-die with Scoot. He should be in everything.

Ricky Whittle plays Shadow and he does a fine job. Shadow is supposed to be of mixed race, casting a white dude to play him would be a bad/wrong move.

Yeah, but wouldn’t be kinda fun to see a sitting President of the United States go through divorcee proceedings? Sir, have you no sense of schadenfreude?

I like how many outlets like WaPo and CNN are actually not censoring “shithole” in their reporting. Time to stop sugarcoating the coverage on this deranged ape.

If dickless Mark Burnett actually released the tapes, we’d know

He wasn’t remotely “presidential”.

Just imagine the kind of shit he says in private.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

Please refer to us as “beta cucks”. Thank you.

I hate his face. I fucking hate it. The image above fills me with so much rage and loathing that I want to scream and ugly cry until someone wakes me from this awful dream. This is no way to live.

I’d trade Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, both Dakotas, and Wyoming for Guatemala.

He said this in front of a bipartisan group of congressional leaders. Which proves not only that he’s racist, but he is a fucking moron who may be losing what little mind he once had.

Racist wingnuts spent the entire time Obama was in the White House accusing him and his family of being lazy, entitled, and lacking class.