
Franco yes. But Skarsgård was amazing on BLL. He deserves the award. His performance was chilling.

I gotta say, it’s pretty goddamn magnificent. But it’s on Letterman and we’re not used to it so it seems weird.

Maxine Waters might

This may be true, but I guess he has a ton of taped interviews. So he may not be respected, but he’s not lying when he qoutes these people.

Fuck... so basically this came from “well, he didn’t say NO, so let me get a popcorn machine and watch the show”. And noooo one, not even Preibus, went: huh, maybe get this guy some sort of contract to ensure the less fucked up shit didn’t get out?

We’ll pick up the pieces of our tattered reputation, adjust to our diminished international role and suffer through decades with Trump’s crop of incompetent judicial appointees. That’s what we’ll do.

Who would have guessed that Trump would be completely incapable of performing this job, or that his administration would quickly descend into chaos?

Oh, I get it. Because he’s spent all that time in the woods now, there’ll be ticks in that box

My personal favorite was:

OK, fine. What an *alleged* fucking scumbag.

Because deep down, they know. They know that Obama is smarter, kinder, and most painfully, much more popular and better liked than any of them will ever be. They also know that he looks even better than he ever actually was when compared to them.

Sunfish are at least interesting marine animals that are aesthetically pleasing. The above two are neither of those things (with the exception of Ted Cruz being some sort of sea creature).

Intresting study in dental diversity. Cruz has dozens of little lamprey teeth while the other guy appears to have one single solid tooth, as though his upper and lower mandibles have fused into one enamel plate.

I’m not seeing things, right? That picture of President Obama that was drawn purposely looks kind of like a monkey? God, these guys are such pieces of trash.

Also, I love how the narrative originally was “these allegations are fake, libs are trying to win this election by lying” to now “well, Democrats are slightly better than pedophiles”. Spin on, spin machine, spin on.

Hate his guts, but really the only way I can appropriately express how I feel at the moment.

Came here to post this. I’ve never been happier to see Ron Paul’s dumb face.

I hate to resort to capitals, but a quick note to Bannon, McConnell, Trump and the rest: