
When making a pin hole for photography:

A giant straw leading from the skull to the stomach...

I will assume an HD version is in the works. Watching tiny ant people chase a white plastic BB is fun and all but screen size definately helps in soccer games.

Come on baby, I don't discriminate. I blow my money on all gadgets. Logos are meaningless. Expect Lego knockoffs. They are shit. And even though I would never consider getting rid of my iPhone (too "invested" to switch), I have no problem pointing my friends towards other equal phones.

Any reason the iPad can't handle at least 720p from anything other than the VGA connector? I mean the component(composite?) should be able to handle 720p really. To hell with this 480p nonsense! And if the AppleTV 2 can handle outputting HD content with DRM, why can't the iPad?

Free budweiser? Ugh, if I wanted to drink free piss I can make my own. Or go see my dominatrix.

@muyiwa: Wait, so killing Nazis is wrong?

As long as it's not nihlists. Say what you will about the tenents National Socialism at least it's a fucking ethos.

@soldstatic: best dog I've ever had given to me by a bum EVER. She loves hot and spicy cheezits as well.

@soldstatic: She also ate an entire bag of M&Ms and got hit by a car going 40, and walked away with a bruise. Unbreakable.

I soaked a dog leash in Tabasco when my dog was a puppy. She kept chewing on the thing so I figured that a bit of spice would stop her from destroying the leash. When I got home from class only the metal bits remained. She housed the entire leather leash.

@dlinkwit27: I live in a beach-y area where speed limits are around 35-40, and with some simple upgrades you can get a 45-50 mph easy.

@snitch: I had an Epson R2400 and even there FireWire beat the hell out of USB. And larger transfers with a FireWire vs USB hard drive?? Forget about it.

@You: Saying that the total price of an iMac is $1400 isn't fair either because of the $1000s you spend on an Internet connection...

I want this. I was planning on a Honda Ruckus (easy performance upgrades) but this looks nice.

@Adam: I use Splenda for two reasons:

I'll drink a can of Dr. Pepper once a week, beers on Friday/Saturday, water and coffee (Black with Splenda). I've done a decent job of cutting down on the stuff, and my weight has been reflecting it.

People whining about specs: the DS was less powerful, and despite this, was incredibly fun. Doesn't fun trump hardware specs?

That image made me mighty hungry. If I could afford an all seafood diet, I would give up everything else... Mercury and genetically modified salmon be damned!

I'll tell you this much, it will totally Higgs your fucking boson.