
@Morgan_Creamin: I read that section wayyyyy wrong. Alright then, I stand corrected. I applaud Apple in that case.

I never knew VoiceOver didn't read text messages. That kind of sucks. Granted a hardware keyboard would be better suited for (I am not blind so it may just have a greater learning curve) the blind, VoiceOver is a great utility for the blind. I had a request to set up an iMac for a blind user. His family didn't

@jepzilla: True as traveling at near light speed would slow the effects of time. There is that issue on the return trip that sea otters have killed off the remaining humans, or that earth itself is no longer there. And discovering the means to travel at light speed and/or faster: would be a big fucking discovery,

@interrogator_chaplain: It will take a MASSIVE discovery in the area of physics. In reality, to get to anywhere of interest in a life time we will have to travel at faster than the speed of light. Or generation ships and hope out great great great great etc grand children will enjoy the trip.

@badasscat: Except for dev revenue which is still dominated by the app store.

@Chris Hayward: do you own one? How is the processor in that/limitations of 1.6?

A game made to capitalize on the Doodle Jump (which was a take on Papi Jump) and Flight Control? How novel...

As a local, I should hate these people. This is not the case. It was when I watched the season 1 marathon I had the 1984 moment. I love them all.

I have two macs, a windows gaming PC, a netbook, and a atom based htpc. In reality most of them are quite aged in terms of PC specs. Their performance however is still on par with when I bought/built them. I thank newer versions of OS X, Windows and Ubuntu for this. I was planning on throwing a quad core in my

@Cats: So since Apple products are hyped we shouldn't buy them because of the hype? What if they are hyped, and still good? What if the user experience is something similar to another product but what's the difference as they aren't a techies they just want something that is relatively easy to use, and that other

@presto117: Thank you! If the customer asks your opinion, then give it. Otherwise keep your mouth shut and get them what they asked for.

Missed point.

@Cats: The iPhone vs Evo proved nothing but the neckbeards that work at Best Buy would rather shove their personal opinion down peoples throat then do their jobs.

Who brings a gun to a dog walkin' fight?

Flickr is pretty fantastic I just started using this month (I know, I know I've had an account for years I just never used it). Plus $25 for unlimited photo storage is awesome. I like it much better than MobileMe or Picasa web albums.

[] I bought one of these for $50. Charges my iPad from dead to 60% or charges my 3GS 4 times. Well worth it.

@pijmodo: They already do. Overdrive.

What people fail to understand is you don't need to buy ANYTHING to get in shape. A steady chair and some variations on the ol' push up, ab work outs, and running will get the job done.

I picked a Slacker G1 for much less, and if you don't mind the ugly stick styling of the G1, keep in mind the $120 saved will make it worth it. The G2 is a much better hardware/software piece but when playing music the G1 gets the job done.