
Fuck Jim Spanfeller, Fuck Paul Maidment, fuck their friends, fuck their family, fuck em for closing the comments, fuck em for being fucking greedy cunt assholes who drove my favorite website into the ground, fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything really.

Dang, I was hoping I’d get Night mode on my XR too.

What I would like to know is if Night Mode is a 11 specific feature because of hardware limitations or if it’s just something Apple will refuse to enable on the XS because they can.

I’m holding out hope that Night Sight comes to the X and Xs models since it’s really just a software update. It probably won’t, though, knowing Apple.

I’m going to stick with my X another year and then get whatever the 2020 iPhone is (since it’s rumored to be another full redesign), or possibly switch to the Pixel.. 5?

I just checked, and Musish authenticates itself by sending you to log in via an authentic Apple ID login window from (which has a valid Apple certificate). So you are still entering your Apple ID only on an Apple server. If you trust the computer enough to log in to on it (in other words,

They can still be created anew from sources of powerful radiation from my understanding.

Im not even talking about motion sickness. Im just not interested in such a limited storytelling device.

These are fantastic if you have unruly pets.

These are fantastic if you have unruly pets.

Now I get a request for it at least once a week. Sometimes multiple times per movie night. God Damn animal!

Now I get a request for it at least once a week. Sometimes multiple times per movie night. God Damn animal!

My fiancée laughed at my popcorn maker when I bought it the last time it was on here. “Waste of money and counter space”. That was until I made her a batch of sweet sriracha popcorn. Now I get a request for it at least once a week. Sometimes multiple times per movie night.

My fiancée laughed at my popcorn maker when I bought it the last time it was on here. “Waste of money and counter

Anyone who played the Walking Dead knows this

While this mini-CUV is certainly interesting, let's be honest, we want the 2015 Sportswagon to have AWD. TDI? Check. Comes in BROWN? Check. Manual? Check. Rear wheel drive? Front wheel drive only... For now. At least 4Motion would get it close to the "Jalop Ideal"

#1 - Oh... but the things you could DO to a G20....