
To be fair, if I'm outside in the sun, I'm sure as hell not reading. I would have kept my Sony reader if the iPad screen was an issue.

To quote Tosh: "She's 4'11" and bow legged." "Yeah she looks good when she has the wind blowing through her hair when she's in last place."

It's a shame Norton is garbage. I trust Microsoft/MBAM to keep my shit clean, for free, with out slowing my PC down.

57,000 domains registered... And I bet the spammers still get hit with mistakenly purchased addons from godaddy.

They throw in a copy of acronis Disk director and true image home if you are upgrading.

I'm looking at this from the perspective that homo sapiens evolution is directly linked to tools. It makes sense the the computer and by an extension of that the internet is shaping our futures. The Internet IS our 3rd brain. Wikipedia is for your know it all rants and your knowledge, Flickr is for your creative

@ecludian: Doesn't the 64bit operating system itself cut down on the possibility of roots?

I don't know whether to give myself an Internet highfive for knowing all this info, or question how I spend my free time, call myself a nerd and kick sand in my own face. Now for Mac users:

@satyrica: the compact travel zooms are a bit different class. Whatever the sx210 got replaced with would be a better choice.

What about the easy flow elbow and grappling hook?

I use a number of google services, I pay them for extra storage and I realize they probably know me (on paper) as well as my parents. Does this scare me? No.

@92BuickLeSabre: It has one fatal flaw: all his albums are and will be compared to it. Forever. It's like Snoop Dogg with Doggystyle. It eclipsed all of his other work.

I still think College Dropout is an amazing cd.

Can we really still recommend $450 GPS systems in this, the year of our lord two thousand ten?

I feel for the average user that 10.04 is the first Linux distro that doesn't require any wrestling to get working on most machines I've tried it on, and since the lastest release of Nvidia drivers I can FINALLY use my Ion based htpc on any HDTV without overscan ruining the experience. Now we just need decent flash

Quit dicking around and give me real fallout (1 or 2) on the iPad.

Looking at that picture makes me throw up a little and not because of Snooki. Its the crowd of onlookers. This whole celebrity worship thing feeds into the ego of the pseudocelebrity giving then strength. That and eating the hearts of their enemies.

@ddhboy: Which is why nearly every hands on impression of the new nano was positive? I'm trying to avoid sounding like a fanboy but you aren't considering the fact that apple can sell new/shiny, and that your opinion of the device (before even using the new nano) may be wrong or not held by the majority?

@ddhboy: I think they oversold the multitouch since the only gesture I saw was to rotate the screen, but you are kidding yourself if you think the new nano won't take off this holiday season.

@MarcusMaximus: Naquadria reactors and we gots hyperdrives yo