
Hopefully it corrects the music playback volume bug. Nothing magical about having to put my volume at max on my iPhone and car stereo to hear music at a medium volume, then recieve an email and then have the volume issue correct itself and blow out my ears/speakers.

Ok the Portal part was awesome, I would obviously kill for the ability to skip lift lines.

I had the chance to work on a windows 7 touch screen computer. You know what kinda kills the touch screen experince for me? The mouse cursor. It feels like a crappy mouse replacement then being an actual touch screen driven experince. I say Microsoft needs to follow suit with with the iOS, Android, and ChromeOS

@Dogen: Unfair. that particular product looked like some one had a BM and put it in a can.

People like to hate on the shuffle. I had mine waterproofed and take it kayaking. That is something most people wouldn't do with a $150+ mp3 player, and the simple controls make it ideal for when you should be focusing on something else.

Didn't they find that sex workers in Africa were becoming resistant to HIV as well?

@Siderz: Ugggh fuck that then. Unless it's realllllly good digital zoom.

@trc202: Good hackable, like install 3rd party vision shit or bad hackable like blind me?

Once fully digital eyes come out that can mimic my normal ones, AND zoom, I will show up at the eye doctors with an ice cream scoop and tell him to go to town.

@nicktennear: I seen that shit happen in Center City Philly. Drunk guy was walking down the street and then stopped at a bike, stomped the shit out of it and went on his way. I was pissed and it wasnt even my bike.

@bonedog73: This is hardly taking any freedoms away from any private citizens and I highly doubt any of the companies involve want egg on their faces from a security breach. They are probably all for it

Why didn't the government already have such a system in place? And really, the critics on here...

@Channan: It let's off heat. There for you can do it just like fission.

I demand the same basic contest, but sub Lego for the office supplies.

With my Sony I went from one print book a week, to two ebooks a week. I've been averaging about the same with my iPad

I almost enjoy using my iPhone camera more than my DSLR. It has that toy camera feel (or you can use hipstamatic/lomob and really get that look) on some shots and others come out incredibly well.

@Icepagoda: It WAS Paragon and you sir are a fucking GEM OF A HUMAN BEING. Seriously you just made my day. Many thanks!