
@Odin: The way the commissioner says it, it sounds like she is talking about the App store, and that Apple is basically forcing that they are the only game in town and keeping other sources from selling applications. Which I say is a bunch of nonsense, as consumers should fully understand that all your apps are

False, if you don't like how Apple has closed off the device, leaving only the app store for software purchase, you should buy another fucking phone. Crying "it's not fair" is fucking retarded, when simply not purchasing the product will provide the user with ability to buy software from other sources and aideload it

I had a pinball machine in my basement growing up. My grandfather owned an outlet center and after he shuttered the arcade for good he gave me a choice of any of the arcade machines. I was torn between Elevator Action and this bad ass pinball machine with a barbarian on it and dragons and half naked women. Being 8

I used to go to wifi-free coffee shops (as opposed to free-wifi) exactly for that reason. To get shit done. Even at the library the allure of watching fat kids fall down on YouTube is too strong. Plus the librarians can be annoying when you have coffee with you. And really, you buy one cup of coffee at Starbucks

You could be actually getting fucked by your USB humping dog!

@Eddard: that image manages to capture the pants peeing and meth mouth all at once. Brilliant!

I expect this will be the This is Spinal Tap for people born after 1990. People will look back 20 years from now and think this is James Cameron's breakthrough comedy and that Will.I.Am is a brilliant actor. And they will forget having to listen to My Humps as if it were a serious song, every time they went to the

You can get me to purchase a 3DTV once every single channel in my cable lineup is broadcast in HD and there is at least 30 channels of 3D content.

@★DoYouLikeToastToo?: as Nathan stated, pain and suffering. Also false advertising. This shit is supposed to be sexy? It's god damn abstinence propaganda. I like my vampires to be fucking. Give me True Blood.

I say we file a class action suit against Stephanie Meyer.

@klyph: Ok how about: for the average consumer using gps to check in with Foursquare, geotag photos, and yeah, driving directions, agps is superior vs a $100 TomTom or Garmin.

Come on..... 8.9". I want this but my netbook is the much hated smaller than 10.1" size.

Out over 12,000 songs in my library it found something like 4500. That doesn't bode well.

People might take offense to the Walmart section. I mean you forgot to call it The Walmarts. The 'S' is mandatory.

@kylecpcs: Assisted GPS is better than a non assisted GPS. Fact. It's able to pinpoint your location faster because of cell phone towers in addition to a standard GPS chip searching for satellites. And this isn't a my "iPhone is better than your Android phone". This is "my smartphone with AGPS is better than your

@zmnatz: Since when is copilot free? It's anywhere between $19.99 (sale) or $29.99, with a $19.99 per year for live traffic? I use it and it has yet to let me down, but yeah it's not very talked about.

@jsmuli2: Their results did not line up with your preconceived notion of what is best. Clearly they are in the wrong.

I Think the publishing industry is it's own worst enemy. They need to step and fast. It's like they are looking at the RIAA for their gameplan. DRMed music was confusing for consumers. Most stores failed. DRM just went away except in the case of subscription based services. If the industry sat there and said

@Eulatos: My rig listed above get 45fps with alot going on and an average of 55 fps maxed out but AAx8. Hardly a high end machine and hardly a game worth playing.