
That's why I went with my dirt cheap AMD Kuma processor. $120 for a motherboard and processor, $40 for 4 GB RAM, $70 for a 4850 ATI, $50 for the case and PSU (650w), bought a 750 GB for my iMac (at the time that was the biggest available) and had a 250 gb 7200 sata drive laying around. And I had a gaming computer

@venc: Hundreds if not thousands but photos are different.

@senshikaze: Ah yes the "wobble" I stand corrected.

I thought we already had photos of extrasolar planets? Isn't that how we found the first ones, by examining photos of the distant stars over period of a month or more?

When ever I was sitting at a coffee shop, people would ask if my Sony Reader was "one of those Kindles".

You know what helped me on the uphills? Cheap clipless pedals and putting down the fast food burger.

When using a Bluetooth headset, voice control is just damn awesome. Unfortunately wearing a Bluetooth headset is not.

I would love to see 3D shots using the zip line cameras the NFL uses.

My only experince with RIM is when I had a blackberry for 2 weeks. I found it to be absolutely vile. Which begs me to ask: how is Android as a replacement for Blackberry in an enterprise situation? My experince with the blackberry makes me hope that RIM drops to single digit marketshare.

@eriaa: Which is why the iPhone has the superior gaming library? And it has the emulators if you jailbreak?

I'm waiting for the iPhone 5 or 4G or 4s or whatever they decide to call it, BUT at the end of the day I don't care what my phone looks like, I care about how it performs. Which is why I use an iPhone case that can be used to crush a persons skull. I can't sing high enough praise for the otterbox defender, and

@KryptonZero: That was the original digital rebel (300d I think) on a 15 min shot too. Not bad for a DSLR from 2005. I sometimes feel my D80 is weaker in the long exposure deptarment.

@KryptonZero: I barely use flickr but I still have some on there.

I have been questioned by cops when doing night photography, mostly because it looks odd. I sit in a chair next to my camera mounted on a tripod for 15 minutes to a half hour, and then do it again. It usually involves a 5 min conversation explaining how it works with long exposures, I show the guy some samples on

$30-$40 gets you a new screen and a lesson in being more careful with your glass screened smart phone. Changing the screen out on the older models takes about 5 minutes. And Jason can tell you all about opening up the iPhone 4. I bought an extra screen for my 3Gs because it's a shit ton cheaper than buying a new

This new girl Wendy... I can't explain how much I have been loving all of her illustrations.

@mike.mac: Quite true but limited space on my phone. And really a racing game is a racing game. Why get two? I went with shift and it's pretty fun.