Something Something Dark Side

This definitely leaves a lot open to interpretation. Some guys could potentially fuck smaller panel gaps than others.

I may or may not have spit my coffee all over my screen after reading "tugboat mode."

This just makes me stupidly happy. Thank you.

Agreed. I have lost count of the amount of people who tell me my IS F sucks and I should have purchased an M3 etc etc. It’s my car, my money, I like what I like.

I, for one, am glad to see things like this little Logo. It’s very interesting and entertaining to get to see what others enjoy and do to their vehicles. I say more power to you.


"I don't mind the exhaust.[..on this]"

You beat me to it. I made pretty much the exact same comment

16-20 year old me would likely be salivating right now. The problem here is 16-20 year old me wouldn't have the money to buy it.

This I like. I would consider it if it looked like this.

This just makes me happy.

I see what you did there.

I really like the idea of this car. Reliability of VW products is still of concern to me though.

Why you gotta go and burst my bubble Bro?

Lol, Pun intended?

5 Speed diesel in good shape, count me as a NP.

Having worked for big Govt for some time, the things you would logically think are not always (read: rarely) the things that actually happen.

The amount of Lexus hate on this forum always makes me laugh.

It's a bold strategy. Let's see how it works out for him.