It's my birthday too!
It's my birthday too!
From the side, I actually kind of like it. Not for 27K, but for 2K or 3K, I would consider it just for shiggles.
To fix VW sales, they also need to fix their reliability nightmare image. I won't own a German car out of warranty, which pretty much translates to I just won't own a German car anymore. Call me soulless but my IS F works every time I push start. I can't say the same about the Audis and BMWs I have owned.
You have fallen for the clickbaitiest of clickbait. Bravo good sir, bravo.
This is not my area of legal practice, but as much as I dislike airlines, this is a case I would probably take were it my expertise. There are always multiple sides to an argument, but I could spin this eight ways from Sunday to make it sound like the airline mistreated a child with special needs and caused both she…
Still just meh to me. Doesn't look enough different so far to make me want one.
I agree completely. However, dealing with it daily, I am probably far more desensitized than most. It's hard to continually feel the same level of shock when you see how often it happens. Especially when the same people come to me for the committing the same crime again. You become hardened to it.
What's to understand? People make dumb decisions every day. I can't begin to tell you how many criminals I have dealt with who made a split second decision with no regard for the consequences. It's by no means unbelievable or even a stretch to believe that the young man in question could have done what he is accused…
How trite.
Pun intended, yes?
I think the Macan is a fantastically good looking car and I will have one one of these days.
I can think of a number of their products I want. The kicker is that I can’t think of any of their products I would trust.
I aspire to one day have Macanamera's level of commentary genius.
This. I could never put into words what I don't like about stuff like this. But this is it. Thank you.
Very succinctly put. I like it.
Doug fisting his car goes under the heading “Things you can’t unsee.”
I think you should start writing for Jalopnik and then you can title the article whatever seems fitting to you. But hey, until that happens, Tavarish can continue to write the article he wants to write.
I really like this, but at the end of the day, I still wouldn't trust it out of warranty. And therein lies the rub.
Woo, with this car, I can finally become a brooding, self-indulgent billionaire with a secret lair and a butler named Alfred.
I'm just saying, if we are talking about a panel gap I could have a go at, well, it would be well within the threshold of acceptable panel gaps.