Something Something Dark Side

I, too, am one of the people who look at it this way. I always think of Carmax whenever I hear the no haggle price deal and I pretty much just stop listening at that point. I suppose in the interest of full disclosure, I negotiate things for a living so perhaps that plays into how I feel about it. Call me crazy but I

Sometimes I start thinking I am cool. Then I see a guy drifting a tractor and realize I was delusional.

“I am super serial guys, we really are bringing it to America.”


This right here. I just can't even...

4 definitely needs to be a real thing, ASAP

Man, here I was all excited that this was coming up, and then you go and tell me it's postponed. #IHadNoIdeaThisWasComingUpIJustWantedToSoundCool#StupidLongHashtag#IAmNotCool

I've always heard the phrase, "If you ain't cheatin, you ain't tryin." Maybe that's what they were going for.

Yeah, forget the pickup. I want this one.


Upper class family that loves monster trucks, you say? Point me towards them so I can see if they are in the market to adopt.

If you're one of the literally tens of people whose Supra tires just seem to last too long...well, here ya go.

Kind of want...

Well I know what I am running out to get whenever I finally manage to take a lunch.

You just had to say it. *frantically searches desk for snickerdoodles*

I was unaware that performance oriented could be used as a descriptor for CVT. Thanks for enlightening me.

The quality of the workmanship just appears to leave a lot to be desired. I just don't get the warm and fuzzies from the pictures so CP.

Fair enough Hyundai. I'll allow it. :)

My thoughts exactly. I saw this and said to myself, "I see what you did there."

Perhaps color me confused here, but it seems to me that most people already have connectivity via their mobile devices. What does this offer that people don't already have/pay for from their current mobile provider?