all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate
all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate
Sorry to break this to you, but Clinton was already by far the least liked democrat before progressives spoke a word about her this cycle.
I was going to say don’t look back. That’s really jacked up stuff. And I think you still should not look back, but you live so close to them so that will be extremely difficult.
99% chance it’s not about sex.
Hello! Long time reader but I created an account today because I really need some advice from liberal-minded folks. I want to assess if I reacted the right way to a racist situation, and get opinions on the best way to respond to racist comments. I am an American woman and my ethnicity is Korean. I live in Germany and…
Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?
It’s as simple as this:
So radical Islamic terrorists attack, and those of us in the West react by further stigmatizing innocent Muslims, which just proves the terrorist’s point and increases radicalization. Does nobody realize we’re playing right into their hands via nationalism and xenophobia? I say “we” despite being American because it…
Why not just outlaw Muslim women from going to the beach? Why give the hint of being decent by allowing them to go only if they look like everyone else?
This is gross. It is yet another way to control women’s bodies. That it was done in front of her crying daughter, who will now grow up thinking this is what men do to women, just hammers home how disgusting this was. It’s also hypocritcial- we will free the women by outlawing what they have freely chosen to wear.…
It’s like the French lawmakers just have zero self awareness. How can they talk about the ‘oppression’ of religion when they’re literally telling women that they can’t wear harmless clothing on their own bodies.
That won’t piss anyone off France. Good job.
This is upsetting to read and I can’t even imagine how incredibly upsetting it must have been to go through. To force a woman to take off her clothes instead of just telling her to leave the water and the beach if she’s violating some stupid law is absolutely counter to “respecting good morals.”
And how exactly is the state dictating what religious garb cannot be worn different from dictating what religious garb must be worn?
Many observers did not realize France’s burkini ban would mean armed police forcing women to take their clothes off on crowded beaches.
Despite being a staunch supporter of secularism, I cannot support the French police at all in this.
Why do the French love skin cancer?
If Muslims wanted to callously inflict their culture, politics, and ideals on other countries they should have had the good sense to invade them in force in the 1800s and systematically dismantled their structures of government and culture while violently exploiting both their natives and their resources, like France…
Legally forcing a woman to strip at gun point. Great job supposedly enlightened and advanced Western civilization.