
Obama was also behind at this point. The election has not been decided by any means. The number of people who have come to caucus for Sanders has been unprecedented. On top of that, he polls better nationally than any other candidate. And he is projected to do well in states like Oregon, California, Washington and

But... but... the war in Libya. That disaster was all Hillary Clinton. Hasn’t she already made a dangerous mistake when it comes to foreign policy?

Maybe an answer that isn’t dripping with disdain and condescension?

It’s not just this one incident. She also recently allowed a BLM protester at a fundraiser to be thrown out. The protester paid $500 to be there. Clinton said she would let her speak but then of course, once thrown out, she couldn’t speak. After the security guard forced her to leave, Clinton said, “Let’s get back to

Huh that does sound fascinating! I thought they were Internet trolls and they’re people you meet in real life. Yikes. I am actually living abroad right now and I tend to find people who live abroad are usually more liberal. So I haven’t had to confront any of those kinds of people who would set my blood boiling. I

Are you addressing me in that part? Or one of these Bernie supporters? I didn’t attack Hillary for her white privilege. In another comment (I can’t even remember if it was this thread), I said Hillary was asked at a forum about her white privilege and her response was a let down. I was rooting for her to have a good

Yes I see what you mean!

I’m curious where you encounter these BernieBros? Like here on Jezebel or Gawker? I support Sanders, am a WOC, staunch feminist, very liberal. I have always been respectful when debating with Clinton supporters. I don’t believe in ad hominem attacks. If she wins the nomination, I will cast my vote for her and gladly!

As a woman of color and staunch feminist who supports Sanders, where do I fit in? Every time I read an article about Sanders, I do not see myself in the descriptions of his supporters. I have never been sexist, racist or hateful to a commenter who supports Clinton. If Clinton wins the nomination, I will cast my vote

I definitely acknowledge that Clinton has helped POC and WOC. But mentioning that she wasn’t always wealthy isn’t fair without also mentioning that Sanders grew up poor. Rent-controlled apartment in Brooklyn, constantly worrying over money as a kid. His entire platform is rooted in how minorities are underprivileged

Now playing

Yup. Clinton was asked a question about white privilege not long ago and her response was really disappointing, especially for someone who keeps bringing up systemic racism lately:

Sanders’ response to reparations was the same as Obama’s in 2008. Clinton is also against reparations but Ta-Nehisi Coates didn’t take her to task on it because he can’t be bothered with her, as if she were already beyond hope. He took Sanders to task because he believes he can do better.

Huh, you think they were being tongue in cheek about that? I thought it was simply oversight on their part. I’ve never heard an authentic Vietnamese accent on TV, I think producers believe there is one Asian accent which they force on all these characters.

Wait what, I haven’t seen that film yet either but was planning to and now I’m super bummed. Nail salonist with a thick accent? I understand where Greta Lee is coming from but the problem is that Amy and Tina thought it was funny and made a decision to write that character, probably in a roomful of no POC. That’s the

Oh I didn’t know about those other characters... I watched the show for the first couple of seasons, stopped and then watched that episode. If John Cho becomes a love interest for Jess that would be so cool. I was disappointed when Selfie was taken off the air. Okay, that’s good to know. I’m just surprised that with

On an interview with Larry Wilmore, Sanders hinted that Warren would be his running mate :)

What, really? Where have you seen this? I’m a woman of color, as left-leaning as you can go, and I support Sanders. My friends who support Sanders (and Clinton) all abhor Trump as an absolute joke. Of course we would vote democrat no matter who won the primary because we don’t have a death wish.

Yes, thank you!! Representation (and non-stereotypical representation) is so important and we have so much work to do still.

I’ve recently made the decision to leave my Phd program... I’m doing one abroad in a country I absolutely cannot see myself living in for much longer let alone the rest of my life. Tbh it would be quite a useless degree in any other country. I haven’t done *that* much work for it, I’ve got zero funding and I seem to