If anyone sees this, I’m still hoping to be ungreyed!! Wink wink :)
If anyone sees this, I’m still hoping to be ungreyed!! Wink wink :)
I know, right. Reading this reminded me of another article on Jezebel about that woman in a NYC subway who got stabbed in her side when a man tried to hit on her. And I think there was another article about a woman getting a beer bottle smashed on her head for turning someone down (or maybe that was in the comments…
You can still find one and then move to the UK with him! Best of both worlds!
When will these white women learn? Patricia Arquette, Meryl Streep, Lena Dunham, even Emma Watson at times. Like, they keep trying to speak about gender inequality but hello... intersectionality. It’s not hard to grasp!
Exactly. And in France, and she is French so this was beaten into her head probably, race doesn’t exist. At least not legally, the word “race” isn’t allowed to appear anywhere. Which means no social programs or affirmative action or even diversity in the media. Their official policy is to be colorblind and let me tell…
I used to think life should be lived with a grand purpose, in a world that had some kind of grand design. When I realized that none of that existed, I became very depressed and contemplated suicide.
Have you tried downloading a recovery program? I once got back deleted photos that way.
I love anything by Virginia Woolf: Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, A Room of One’s Own... her diaries are also fascinating. If you like Faulkner’s stuff, the Snopes trilogy is not as well known but very good.
Argh it’s so frustrating! I almost feel like China is Regina George and behind Regina’s back, everyone is like “We totally like YOU (Taiwan/Cady) more than Regina!! She’s a fugly bully! But like, we can’t say that front of Regina. Love you betch! But shhhhhh.”
You can totally tell that she was forced to apologize. She’s being punished by not being allowed to tour or something like that. It is appalling that JYP would force her to do that just to appease China, the country of human rights violations. Why do so many countries, the US included, do everything to get on China’s…
Thank you for sharing. I’ve been there too and it took me years to realize it was rape. In my case, I made it very clear I didn’t want to have sex. The word “No” was used many times. But I said I was fine with doing other stuff. So we were fooling around and all of a sudden...
I live in France, where there is universal healthcare. I would go so far as to say it’s free, because if you are under the poverty level, you don’t have to pay for anything. Like every citizen from a CEO to a waiter, I pay a 23 euros copay. Then 70% of that is reimbursed to me directly into my bank account. With…
Exactly. Privilege - when something isn’t a problem because it isn’t a problem for you.
They’re already here. They are intolerable. It really speaks to someone’s character when they gleefully try to twist reality into one in which this situation is justifiable. Like, what does it say about them that they’re so eager to defend violence?
“Just follow the rules.” Right, because all other teenagers across America didn’t make it on the news yesterday since they’re just “following the rules.” At every given moment in any given high school in America, a teenager is not following the rules. Because they’re teenagers.
The thing is... America does not have a great track record when it comes to white men thinking of black people let alone black women as “human beings.” We live in a country where a racist doctrine was founded in “science” and religion solely to prove that black people were not human.
She’ll be called “hysterical” because she has a uterus. Then she’ll be carted away to a mental institution. Like so many women were in bygone days... or actually it’s probably still happening.
There’s a cultural myth surrounding Asian woman as docile, subservient, passive, only there to “please” and “satisfy” men (thanks Western literature, films, etc). Because of that, they are also seen as weak, timid and helpless. So on top of the disgusting sexual fetishization, Asian women are singled out as being…
Perhaps try to bring up something lighthearted about your ex or ex’s in general... Like “ah I ran into my ex the other day, it was so awkward.” Or something like, “My ex from 10 years ago sent me a friend request and I’m not sure how to respond. Has that ever happened to you?” Then look at him expectantly to share a…