
That makes you 1% of the country who can actually afford that niche of food. Watch "Food Inc.," which explains how low income families are forced to buy low grade, highly industrialized and subsidized food, just because they have no other option! Imagine you have $30 or $20 a week to feed a family of 5. Oh, let me go

Organic food and for that matter, healthy food, is only available for those with a certain budget. Surely you cannot assume that all Americans, like those living on food stamps, can afford a $6 packet of pasta at Whole Foods? In France, locally farmed products are CHEAPER than the treated vegetables at a supermarket.

You're right, and your experience is not just anecdotal but evidence of a real epidemic in America - watch "Food Inc." American farms have been overrun by GMO corn, the cheapest crop to produce. Any average American supermarket is 90% full of corn-derived products, including of course, corn syrup. American bread

Also. One of the kitties knows how to shake paws. Did any one catch that bit during the cooking part? Kitty. Shake. Paws.

Oh god the ornaments were presents for the kitties?! I was already bursting from the cuteness, know I find this out?! Thanks for translating, wouldn't have known this bit without your help!

This is just awful. Why are people so obsessed with identifying others through ethnicity/race/ancestry? This seems to be a serious obsession to me, since many people, before they even ask normal questions like "What do you do?" "Come to this bar often?" "What'd you study in college?" etc. ask "Where are you from?"

This is just awful. Why are people so obsessed with identifying others through ethnicity/race/ancestry? This seems to be a serious obsession to me, since many people, before they even ask normal questions like "What do you do?" "Come to this bar often?" "What'd you study in college?" etc. ask "Where are you from?"

Oops, I just recommended the same video! Should have scrolled down more :) A class example of what so many Asian Americans go through!

Oh, totally! I just thought it was a little too uncanny that Katy Perry just happened to do this Japanese Hello Kitty skit, that weird interview from above, and now this American Music Awards "thing." She has a strange, unproblematized obsession. I don't think her perception of Japanese people is necessarily negative,

Now playing

Oh god this explains her really weird SNL "Japanese Fun Time" skit. She probably pitched it to the writers, seeing as she is decked out in Hello Kitty gear! It's only redeeming quality is that it seems very aware of its ridiculousness (with the inclusion of the professor, thank goodness). But I'm sure Katy could only

That tall, yellow-beaked penguin... "Butterfly? Scoff. I am fabuulooooous!!"

I see... I don't want to say that explains it... but I wonder if that kind of explains it :/ A lot of the blatant racism I have received is in fact from friends or acquaintances. For strangers to say things like that to you, that is pretty bad. All of this is pretty bad! Maybe when they actually put an Asian American

"Chink" hurts so bad and it is surprising, and disturbing, that people don't know that. People have pulled their eyes at me throughout my life, actually people who are supposed to be my friends. And if I show I am upset, I get accused of not being able to take a joke. Other people have tried to show me how Chinese

Just to clarify, I absolutely do not mean to downplay or dismiss the horrible racism that the Irish endured from the British and Colonists. It's something that should be taught in schools, just like the truth about Thanksgiving should be taught. Same for how many Chinese peopled died building the railroads. Jeez,

Oh my, I've never heard that before! That's really shocking. And horrible. May I ask what part of the US you are from? I wonder if it's a regional thing. I myself am from the west coast.

Chinese also doesn't have verb conjugations. You would think that would play into it somehow, but it doesn't seem to have a correlation. I say this from teaching ESL in Asia and Europe. In my opinion, going from Chinese to English is so vastly different and you have to memorize so many new rules, that learning how to