
Oh yes, absolutely. Having a big thread about this a bit lower down in the comments section, specifically about Irish culture and Asian culture in America... come join the fun!

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Oh good lord, I've gotten that too. "What's your Chinese name?!"

Mmmm I can't imagine your average guy shuffling into a bar wearing silk pajamas and a fake Confucius mustache and speaking in a "fob" accent as your run-of-the-mill bar night. Maybe only in Brooklyn.

Yes, I do remember studying racism against Irish people in a critical race studies class. The skull measuring was just atrocious. I am very well aware of how they suffered racism in the past, and how our conceptions of a charming Ireland is relatively modern. I distinctly remember seeing propaganda of Irish people

Honestly it's hard for me to say. They look awfully similar. One was designed for eating, the other, not for eating? But based originally on the ones used for eating?Are decorative hair sticks something that existed as a fashion accessory, regardless of Asian culture/influence? Is cultural influence in fashion

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Scroll up and see what I wrote about your question (replied to a fellow asking the same question about his daughter).

Oh trust me, I am not for little Janey and Johnny dressing up as Wampanoag.

Yes, I love how the video points out how strange the question is when it's reversed. I'm from San Francisco. Oh I'm American. Just like normal American... Oh... I'm English? Then he acts all weirded out when someone else starts probing his ancestral history. What if I made it a point to go up to every non-Asian person

I see your point, and indeed, when Irish immigrants first came to the U.S. they were not met with open arms, with some people going so far as to put up "No Irish Allowed" signs in their stores. After a good century or so, however, Irish immigrants comfortably assimilated into the "standard" American fabric of

We all know Dubya was just a simpleton at heart. Run the country? Go to war? Pfft. He never had that much conviction. He just wanted to paint corgis and still lifes, maybe snort some coke like the good old days at Yale. We all know Cheney was pulling his little puppet strings, whispering into his sensitive ears... At

If you dare, look up "Alison Gold Chinese Food"on Youtube. Prepare to be highly disturbed.

Oh no, that is just awful. Well I'm glad you showed all of them!

I teach French and Chinese students ESL. Guess which students drop their third-person "s's" all the time? So often in fact it really makes you just want to jump on a desk and shout, "He does! Not he do! How many times do I have to tell you?!" Yeah it's my dear étudiants français. Stereotypes, especially those of a

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I get this often, too. It usually happens after we've been introduced, when I've had a chance to say a few sentences and then this wondrous look appears on said person's face that sometimes feels equivalent to "This is like watching a dog walk on its hindlegs! Who would have thought, an Asian person speaking fluent

I truly do believe that some people look at buns with chopsticks, and think, "Hey that's cute, I want to try it out!" and it never goes beyond that. I assume this would be the case for many young girls, especially if it's featured in some magazine, etc.

I know right. Can't a girl wear a ton of bronzer, a headdress AND chopsticks in hair and not be accused of anything? I swear, this is downright un-American.

I suppose it's to really emphasize his poor English/Chinese accent. We can't have an Asian person just going around knowing how to conjugate his verbs now can we?!

Oh god, like the kind with dangly bits on them that you buy at Claire's...

Just imagine a hipster Brooklyn version of this:

Even if the organizers "had good intentions" it doesn't mean anything in the actual world. Anyone can show up, including assholes going around yelling "Ni hao ma!" or putting on a "fob" accent at one point (it was just a joke, lighten up guys!) or creeps with a bad case of yellow fever (as that one recent Jezebel