
I've never heard of Ms. Borden, actually. Did some quick Wikipediaing, but didn't find out: if she was guilty of the murders (and it seems preeeetty likely) what were her motives?

I also don't understand why anyone would think, hey this is a great photo op. Our wife/daughter is dead, so let's get a picture of her looking like a wreck, put it between us, stare soulfully into the camera, then get these babies published online. Like, those we're a lot of steps to take.

After reading the actual article, I've realized that Katie Dries' article picks and chooses what it pleases; it's plain biased in other words. It takes quotations out of context and leaves out the follow-up or expansion of a single line (for example, the multiple paragraphs that explain Swift's feminism and her

Liz Lemon knew.

I see what you mean, although it is hard for me to admit, because I had such high hopes for this video. It started out great and then... er... what... oh boy. I tried to erase the wrongness of what I was seeing by telling myself "Surely this is PART of the satire. Surely she is mocking the use of African American

Yes. And many men don't realize that sexual abuse often happens from those closest to you: boyfriends, husbands, relatives, etc. They think, oh she is married? How does rape happen between a husband and wife? /ugh

Excellent point about the corporate decisions - THAT's the root problem here! Kate Bosworth is a beautiful woman (at least, I think so!) And as you say, she was born that way - how awful to attack her for something she cannot control. Should she instead go hide in a cave, never to show her face? Or force herself to

Good point. A few examples are coming to mind now... Leonard & Penny (and Howard & Bernadette come to think of it) in The Big Bang Theory. Jonas Hill's character and Emma Stone in Super Bad... There must be so many more. Everyone does root for these men, and honestly, it's nice to see couples that aren't on the same

"Just because France is not particularly religious now doesn't mean it wasn't religious then."

Indeed, this is France after all... home of the "greve." If Sephora gets its way, the following day we can expect a strike. And the side of the strikers usually wins. So, I don't think we have to worry too much.

France has less and less practicing Catholics. Most French people I know are atheists. In fact, I don't know any French people who think of Sunday as a holy day. It's just part of the weekend. Maybe talk to a few French people first to see if they actually think of not working on a Sunday as having "someone's

Yeah now that the U.S. isn't a handful of colonies and has its own military, we could do away with the 2nd amendment now can't we? Seeing as how that law was created when there weren't enough people to form a military apart from regular civilians. But no, no, Americans don't like that logic.

It's called adapting to your new surroundings. Plenty of other people from around the world might jump at the chance to be in your shoes. Some people may be so taken with other parts of French culture that Sundays will feel like a pleasure and not a burden. Not everyone gets to live or study abroad.

Part of what I like about living in France rather than the US is that the number one priority in life isn't money, making it or using it. There's more to life than f-ing shopping. And don't worry about your "poor cashier" needing more hours - cashiers usually have a "CDI" or a long-term, unbreakable contract. They are

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Yes. Finally a chance to repost one of the best Palin impressions ever. Worth your 5 minutes:

First and second grade?! That is a lot worse that I thought. There's no such thing as eating too much when you're 6 or 7 years old - how else are children going to grow? Shame on their parents for reinforcing and encouraging such behavior. I think I would go crazy growing up in such a beauty-based society. Granted,

Yes, thank you for pointing this out! There was a documentary on young teenage girls in South Korea, and almost all the girls in this one high school wanted to get plastic surgery. They listed reasons such as finding a boyfriend and getting a job! How awful that teenagers value themselves based on their "physical

I don't believe anyone necessarily DESERVES a Nobel Prize, given that so many talented people do not receive them (something you yourself point out). I believe you are mistaking me for believing that Hemingway deserved such a prize. I don't know if I believe in prizes altogether.

If you study English literature, you would know that any author is at one point considered a closeted gay. Shakespeare. Jane Austen. Fitzgerald too, now that I think about it. It's what you write about in literary criticism when you run out of things to write. At this point in time, I feel the point is moot unless it

Why assume that the Nobel Prize and the committee that doles it out is somehow reflective of universal truth and merit? If that were the case, then why should anyone read anything other than Nobel Prize authors? As if the committee doesn't have their own incentives for awarding certain prizes to certain people at