
Books 1 and 4 are cool. The rest is pretty distilled bad late-period King, some of it downright awful.

I'm not worried about him.

Top Gun 2: Lots of Gay Sex and Also Planes

It's pretty terrible, but it does have Kirstie Alley and Mel from Alice.

Yeah but the canned black olives you get on pizza are slow death.

This comment almost seems like something the president would say.

Guy who dies from malnutrition.


Oh, THAT "covfefe".

Ummm…can you use it in a sentence?

"where the rest of us would not subject the world to the cruel vicissitudes of our fleeting whims, Basler doubles down on them."

Sean Hannity is a cock, and appalling.

I was thinking "Mr. Prostitute" but then I remembered she just had a cute little mustache.

Believe me.


Suck my dick is how.

As soon as he stuck that MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN into his announcement tweet, it was obvious he'd be withdrawing.

Yeah, all you liberals will be laughing out the other side of your faces when America soars into a state of euphoric global domination fueled by the New Coal Economy, leaving everybody else in the dust.

For me it's going to be 0 hours 0 minutes long.

And lots of PAWS.