
Throat warbler mangrove.

Or the harrowing tale of Macho Grande.

Will it have Mulligan firing off an M-60 one handed with no shirt on? Please say yes.

Will there be a Rolling Rock endorsement awkwardly shoehorned in? Because if so, just take my money right now.

From now on, she's on her own.

You'll never be truly miserable with that attitude.

But they remind me of my dead cat.

I bought one of those VR thingies and now I sleep with it on.

Nah, give them a little American flag and something shiny to play with and they're ecstatic.

Didn't they do that in Fallout 4?

More like Josh BAD. Heh. Heh. Fine I'm leaving.

It's not really talked about, but the mustache actually directed the film.

Forget it, nothing I hate more than a French detective.

They really missed a great opportunity for a subplot where Palpatine gets audited.

Those maniacs! God damn them all to hell!

Death therapy.

Bartender says, "There goes my hero!"

My mom says I'm cool. Wait, she died years ago.

I feel like five years is a minimum requirement for the use of the "first _______ since ________" phrase.

Throughout my childhood and adolescence I was told I watch too much TV. Now with this kind of weekly reminder that I'm not keeping up and watching enough, the early middle aged me is starting to wish those people had just fucked off and let me watch my Laverne & Shirley reruns.