
This sounds interesting but also like a terrible idea.

Maybe Emma Stone should get naked in someth - I'm sorry that's horrible.

I will grudgingly admit I found Ted surprisingly funny.

Normally, he's a very, uh, nice guy. Don't judge him from this meeting alone.

Sorry to get you at the last minute but things leak. This lead came from Queenan's undercover guy. I'm gonna go have a smoke right now. You want a smoke? You don't smoke, do you, right? What are you, one of those fitness freaks, huh? Go fuck yourself.

Agreed. I don't think it was worth an Oscar nomination, but I enjoyed him in it nevertheless.

I like the beginning and opening credits of this film, but the rest is very meh.


I watched it many, many times. Y'know, to determine if there was some kind of subtext there. For research.

I think you mean XING!

I remember back in the heady, crazy days of earlier this year when I felt that Bannon's presence in the White House was one of the very worst and most worrisome aspects of this administration. Lol, those were the days - now the fucker resigns and I'm, like, "Yeah, whatever."

I unironically and unapologetically love License To Drive you heard me get fucked

They should have him do a funny but entirely respectful Melissa McCarthy impression.

I guess it's 1997 week for him, too.

I would have thought the 0.1% was because the film lacks a pregnant.

What a story.

[Simpsons quote partially modified to suit context]

I like her. I hope she blows up the Death Star.

Yeah, yeah, but will they have sex?

[Sra. Martinez sees a bunch of naked ladies forming a dollar sign]