
That's just a description of what happened at the end of last season. FUCKERS.



Yada yada

The sequels are terrible and stupid and beneath me yada yada I'm a huge dick.

Also, I'm not the pope.

The pope is neither.

If you believe that they're really taking GRRM's suggestions as the show moves forward, you're a fool.

That's asinine.

I always thought it was pretty fitting. Alive, Catelyn was a huge asshole. Dead, she would be worse.

Oh, honey, honey I get the joke I do, I do, I do, I do, I do.


Wait, I'm confused. Someone suggested she was sexually assaulted and then she left the show? I don't know anything about this because I don't watch this contemptible garbage.

They've targeted me personally? FUCK.

It's too bad about the Donny Two Scoops administration dismantling our healthcare system, because now the cirrhosis is going to kill me.

Keep defending it around here and someone may very well kill you.

I hope the av is a 'shop of Michael C. Hall trapped under a glass table.

Every time I see "Michael C. Hall" I think "Anthony Michael Hall" and I totally thought this would be a Dead Zone reboot and now I'm all sad.

The final scene is Jon Snow smashing his head against a mirror, saying "How's Hodor?", and cackling like a madman.

I'm giving serious consideration to applying for a high paying job in the Trump administration.