
No, it's this thing where these dopes run/walk through colorful foam for some kind of charity. It's really more of a suds run than a bubble run.

Went to a Bubble Run with the girlfriend. I did not participate.

When does the breakfast cereal become available?

I guess this shouldn't be revelatory for me, but god DAMN Celine Dion is a bad dancer.

Good username.

Really? That's where he finally got my attention.

There's always fried dough.

How dare they trample upon the rights of dog caners and squirrel flayers?

Who goes into a David Lynch film expecting creepy sexual violence? Not me, pal.

And no goddamn rain.

As far as I can tell from the reports, that's more or less what the family is alleging. They don't seem to be disputing the claim that he took his own life. I may be wrong.

The term really never had much meaning.

I hope she does one more Dawn Lazarus bit tonight.

It's a Hot Chicks room.

This trip is going to be a beautiful trainwreck.

Oh, he's wily.

I personally think Toby Keith is an unnecessarily cruel punishment even for these fuckers.

Fucking sublime.

No, I know. It was also pretty obvious given that if they had, the headline would certainly have said so. But, hey, a man can dream.

I don't really like her, but she has my sympathies because endometriosis really is shit.