
Who cares what a bunch of Big Bang Theory extras think?

A classic. An absolute classic.

The North American Pastrami Beast is one of nature's most elusive creatures.

"Grab 'em by the Busey."

They're hedging on the issue.


Look out, great-great grandfather!

I don't understand why they didn't just get Emma Stone.

This case is 30+ years old. Should no one ever make films or write books about real life murder cases?

Every time Cloak and Dagger gets mentioned, I keep thinking it's referencing that Henry Thomas/Dabney Coleman movie.

"One involves the brothers being confronted with one giant elephant penis after another after they make the mistake of hiding inside an elephant’s vagina while on the run from bad guys during a detour in Africa"

I can't believe it was so hard to track down Everett McGill. Also, if there's one thing this article has taught me, it's that I remember fucking NOTHING about season 2.

Then go see it secretly

Because through sound you can paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy or burst his organs.

"President Trump is acting in accordance to his competence"

Is that that beer that has confetti floating in it?

I know alcoholism can kill you and everything, but trading beer for clowns is just wrong.

This guy was a god damn chameleon and could do anything. RIP :(

It's almost like he's taking advice directly from some old ex-soviet strongman.

I'd be pissed if I purchased something at a GameStop that did NOT include some meth.