
Just saw him in Red 2 yesterday. RIP :(

Was is The Stinger?

Loofahs are what really hold his attention.

Christ, they fired her for that?

Huh. It seems as if Happy Gilmore was omitted from the list of good Adam Sandler movies.

Don't worry, Trump's on the case. He's putting together a plan to deport all the college students.

I am sick of these motherfuckin friends on my motherfuckin streaming plan.

Holy shit, me and Roy have the same incept date. Little freaky.

I mean you're not helping. Why is that, glorbes?

Did he flip it over on its back?

They should have their own schools.

Next they'll probably try to make us believe a story about an Irish cop.

Oh, I bet you could add 2 or 3 more girls.

This is actually a stealth reboot of the Terminator series.

He's like Jason Jones meets Cecil the Turtle.

That's a bloody outrage, it is.

Only hardcore Jerry Orbach fans really "get" Dirty Dancing.

The Boss Boobie.

Yes I swear it's the truth.

Sort of pointless to point out this show's flaws at this point, but I just want to go on record as saying that the Scavengers and their talk-like-Yoda bullshit is the single dumbest thing this comically dumb show has ever done.