
Can you jump back to never?

Apparently, Beef is the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules. The rules concerning french fries.

I can't remember where I read that. It may very well have been in the comment sections here, so it could be I'm 100% wrong.

There was a tiny amount of nudity in the pilot, and if I recall correctly it was because they had expected this originally to be aired on some premium channel. HBO or Showtime or something.

Yeah, well you ever nail Princess Leia? No? No? Didn't think so, Boss Baby.

Vlad the I'm-Gay-Ler

By seconds!

"make his victims stand in the corner before killing them"

He must be the pusher, man.

Maybe they just feared that invoking his name in anything over a whisper would cause him to materialize in a puff of smoke.

Did they do something? Again?

A law, a bill, a constitutional amendment, whatever. My point is that it would be absurd to expect people whose livelihoods depend upon trading in horseshit (and it's all ends of the political spectrum, come on now) to in some way restrict themselves legally from fibbing.

Yes I expect politicians will be just lining up to pass a law making it illegal for politicians to lie.

For some reason, every time I hear or read the name Jeffrey Dean Morgan, I think Jeff Fahey. Makes no sense. Every time, though.

They'll need to create a feature that allows him to tell all Netflix users that he's downvoted something after he downvotes something.

The political spectrum?

Trump stands behind Bill O'Reilly because he knows that somehow, some way, Obama did it.

I'm sad that I'll never learn the rules.

Two bullets, then.

Traitorous commie fuckers.