
Yes but were they committed to making America great again?

Hey say what you will about the man's politics, but let's not kinkshame.

Strike that, reverse it, the answer - yes.

Keep it down, do you wanna wake up the whole planet!?

Hot take city there, Louis.

*shrugs, eats

Esteban DeReina.

The trunk is the best part.



Mistletoe can make you see pink elephants if you eat it.

This is that one with the aliens, right?

“these scripts are so amazing"

Lena Headey kept the first one from being total dreck.

Someone told me it was a dystopian novel and I was all like, dude Conan the Destroyer wasn't that bad.

Super Mutant Generation.

- Ash

Hmm, this seems ominous and potentially dangerous. I think I'll stand here and watch for awhile.

She does get a little tetchy about that.