
That's a serious accusation and I think the severity of the alleged acts warrants a dedicated investigation.

I'm still outraged over the francophobic hate-piece Point of No Return.

No doubt they'll avoid that whole whitewashing controversy by hiring a black director…and then cast all white actors.

It's a treaser. From now on they're going to have teasers for the treasers, which will function as teasers for the trailers.

That clown in Derry has done it again.

Me too. I enjoyed the hell out of the Mike chapters - the fire at the Black Spot, etc.

Never question eating meat.

Does your mom have any new clips available?

But I don't really like liquor and beer still makes me fat.

Seriously, GJI is thataway.

I think it was Nun's Life.

Wreck-it Ralph 7: Wreck-indling The Franchise

A surprisingly competent choice from our new POTUS.

Whenever Besson needs that extra push over the cliff, he just adds 2,546 effects shots.

I wish they'd called it Strumpets.

This'll blow up in their face.

And you want to be my damn fine coffee salesman.

A TV tuned to Fox News.

The Orange Wedding will not be anywhere close to as spectacular.