

As a robosexual, I am outraged by your insensitive comment.


I've always thought the earlier dream sequences in NOES (like the header image) were some of the best depictions of dreams I've ever seen. Craven really managed to capture the strange, just off, familiar-but-not-familiar quality of dreams better than anyone has before or since.

After the teaser trailer is released there will be another teaser for the teaser for the official trailer.

No, no pay attention. He's saying in the first rebooted Tomb Raider game she is exploring an island off the coast of japan. In the second Tomb Raider game she is trying to figure out the mystery of her farther's death and follows the trail all the way from Syria to Siberia.

They haven't entirely given up on midriff, I see it peeking out in that last image. Hi midriff!

In this case? I do.

Yeah, that was Christopher Collet, who I used to confuse with Robert MacNaughton.

I don't even own a [FARTS]

That won't work, I'll be rooting for them to win.

Did anyone ever do that?

I love the goddamn scene.

First one. David Soul was a poor choice, but otherwise the cast is stellar and in general the film is really goddamn good for a TV miniseries from the 70's.

Tobe Hooper's Salem's Lot is pretty good, I think.

I see a panic-inducing shortage of Aero bars in 2019.

I'm looking forward to the premiere of Fake-Ass Detective.

Don't bring back McConaughey, keep it an anthology series.

How big was the cucumber?
