
Can't blame you.

God, they all look so old.

The history of chocolate starts with the ancient Aztecs.In those days instead of being wrapped in a hygienic package chocolate was wrapped in a tobacco leaf. Instead of being pure chocolate like we have today it was mixed with shredded tobacco and they didn't eat it— they smoked it.

Kid doesn't know who she's fucking with.

A fool's hope.

You forgot the sex slaves and eating live frogs.

Belize me.

Well it's so important, the cyber.

Trump is quite sure that Belize represents an imminent threat.

It can be called Father Kills Best. Or maybe Stalked By Stepdaddy.

It's probably spelled Beq-idt or some silly bullshit.

* Character suddenly finds themselves aboard the Millennium Falcon

If this had been an Onion article, I'd have laughed my ass off. Instead, it's an AV Club article and I am copiously weeping.

And done!


I think that when you click the comments button, not only should you get a new tab for that article, but a new tab each for three randomly selected articles as suggested reading, all with comment buttons of their own. Repeat.

The Fetus That Couldn't Slow Down

I thought we'd settled this. Christ, it's like hanging out with my mother in law.

Sounds like someone finally figured out that Ayn Rand was an immigrant.