
It's one of the most propulsive intros to any movie I've ever seen.

I've never been angry with him for not running, but it hurts, man, it hurts.

Sounds like he's lucky to be alive.

The LA County Sheriff's Department is committed to getting these wrongful detainments down to 3 minutes by the end of 2018.

Him too.

Why does he still have that hair?

It's monster and Eve, not monster and Steve.

It's like teabagging, but instead of squatting you jump off a stepladder.

Cake cutting guy needs to be beaten to death with a hammer.

My enjoyment of that film begins and ends with Peter MacNicol.

I think the cast is just swell - how about we give them some original material?

This was always my objection to the remake. Pitched as an idea, Ghostbusters is pretty dumb concept and a potentially embarrassing flop for anyone who touched it. It could easily have been a disaster. It works because the performers and their chemistry work - a perfect example of "movie magic" where the film succeeds

It's an unbelievably complex language. Nobody knew English could be so complicated.

$400 for a bottle of water seems entirely reasonable to me.

I heard she's weird.

She knows you. She knows everything.

Sometimes, dead is obviously better.

Explosive like getting both of your legs blown off by a land mine funny.

So what you're saying is instead of pulling the ladder up and lowering it down the opposite side, you're going to carry a second ladder up the first ladder?