
The perfect president.

Giving serious consideration to changing my username to fuckgondola.

Just lol if you don't place responsibility for the Iran hostage crisis at the feet of Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

I feel so ashamed.


Which one is the planet with the star war?

I'm always hitting it with my thumb when I try to hit the option button.

Man, that Obama is an amazing workaholic. Can you imagine fitting these sly conspiratorial machinations in between all the waterskiing and dancing? How does he juggle it all?

Nope. Staying home. Masturbating.


Same but yesterday.

Brock, I'm clean.

I don't think it is necessarily. Most authors self-insert, it's all about the execution.

This comment needs more lens flare. - Abrams.

I like Hamill and think he's cool as heck, but I suspect Abrams is wrong.

Dijon on hot dogs vs. ketchup on well-done steaks. Who has caused more damage to the office of the president? Impossible to say.

What, you can't type with one hand? Amateur.

The visuals are noticeably better if (like me) you'd originally played it on the previous generation console (rather than PC). Personally, I got it because 1.) I liked it a lot, 2.) I never finished it, and 3.) The DLC and mods.

Stupid monkeys.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Monkeys are nothing but a bunch of good for nothing souses.